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About to set up my own private-hive server, need a hand.

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I have this posted over on the tunngle forum but have yet to receive a reply so I'll try here...

I'm about to set up a new DayZ server for my gaming community using this process - http://www.tunngle.net/community/topic/77721-easy-server-installer/

I will also be including this mod likely after the author is done completely redoing it - http://www.tunngle.net/community/topic/116641-official-base-building-dayz-10-w-gates-much-more/

This will be installed on a thuban-powered ubuntu server with 16gb of ram with a barely-used minecraft server being the only other thing running on it. I am currently installing win7(virtual machine) to make this DayZ server install possible since AFAIK it won't run in linux without WINE and I dislike WINE.

The end goal here is to have a private-hive public server with increased vehicle spawns and the ability to build bases.

Anyway, here are some questions I have...

-Will I need to buy another CDkey(s) to install Arma 2 Combined Ops on the server rig? Or is there another LEGAL way to do this at no cost that I'm not aware of? Having to buy another Arma 2 CO key wouldn't be a huge deal but I'd prefer an option B if there is one.

-Which Arma 2 Combined Ops install would be better for what I'm wanting to do? Standalone or Steam?

-What anti-cheat measures are available to my specific setup goal? I'm pretty sure I can at least use BattleEye but I want strong anti-cheat protection without people getting kicked/banned accidentally(as BE has done many times).

-At what point am I setting up a MySQL DB for this server? I don't see it mentioned at all in the first link I posted above and I'm pretty sure I need some sort of DB access to edit things like spawn rates, and what spawns/doesn't spawn.

-Is a setup like the one I want to do very hard to maintain? Should I expect things to break every time there's a new DayZ update? Anything in particular I *really* need to know before doing this? I have extensive experience setting up and running many different game servers, but this seems a fair bit more complicated than something like BFBC2 or TF2.


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First let me say that i do NOT have any experiances with the pack you are using, but i do have experiance with setting up a server.

1) NO you do not need another cd key to be able to host a server. (just copy the whole arma directory to the machine you want to host from)

2) I always go for the stand alone, but it really doesn't matter. With a dvd version all is installed nice into one directory while the steam version makes 2 directory which when you want to host need to be combined

3) I myself have never used any of the anti cheat stuff(yet) So this is something you have to experiment with and find your favorite flavour.

4) The database is setup with the installer(it is a small self containing mysql installation) Make sure you practice some mysql handlings to get familiar with mysql and databases. When trying to host the database from a linux machine, you will have to rename some tables to have the correct capitals and small letters(linux capitals and such, not a big thingy). The database is needed from the start.

5) Like i said i have no idea about this version, i do have experience with this version ( http://www.tunngle.net/community/topic/90991-dayz-private-server-files-pack-175/ ) maintaining and servicing your server is all up to you, you decide if things will break.

Setting up and maintiaining a DayZ server demands a lot of your time and energy, making sure everything stays well, you yourself have to keep evolving and keep learning about how things are done and more importantly a constant effort to control your server so it keeps running smooth.

Like all things from the house of BIS, you have to invest a lot of time and you will have to figure out things by yourself.

There will never be an "EASY" "SIMPLE" installer to get a dayz server up and running, there are no manuals and they will never come. It is all a matter of searching trying and breaking things. (for instance, putting in a new building, demands from you, to know how to edit missions in arma, and this is also something you yourself have to figure out).

There are always people who like to help, but be prepared to do everything yourself, be prepared to run into some trouble that will take you at least 2 days to overcome, BE PREPARED for stuff like that.

People need to understand that running a privat server is a serious business, it will need a 24/7 admin presence, it will need constant updates and upgrades, if you are planning on playing yourself forget about beeing able to admin your server.

Since some simple installers it seems we have more servers then players these days, also 90% of the servers(privat) are completely messed up, they are just really bad managed servers because the owner just want to legally be able to cheat or manipulate there game play ( see all the admin abuse the last months).

Please before you start think about how much time you will need to maintain the server, only to setup the server and have everything save and sound meight take at least a week, beeing an admin is NOT funny, it is a serious job.

Good luck,


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Thank you so much for your reply. :)

My entire goal with the server is to offer a 'vanilla' DayZ experience but make more vehicles spawn in certain areas(perhaps along the coast), allow users to build bases with that build script I linked, and of course be on a private hive. I don't want to edit or bring in any items that aren't normally available as this just seems to complicate and/or break things. I want to keep it as simple as possible to keep everything running as smoothly as possible for the people that decide to play on my server.

I run a gaming community so I can appoint X amount of my staff to admin that server. As far as the mechanics of it go(setup, maintenance, tweaks, etc), I'll be taking care of that but do have another person in my staff that I could trust with those tasks as well.

The server pack I linked appears to be the 'easy mode' bliss server install/setup which helps a bunch, plus those guys have released a few tutorial vids on the whole install and setup process so I have those at my disposal as well.

Edited by johnnydotexe

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the DayZ control Center makes it a lot easier to setup and manage your server, have a read about it you might find it interests you :)

Anti cheat wise, if you have database access use The Silent Warrior Anti-Hack, nothing else comes close :)

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