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Skydive (DayZ)

Player "I am a cat" scripting / cheating

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Server: US 47

Time: 07.02.2013 17:37:50 UTC-5 / EST

What happened:

Routine check of server logs revealed this player executing scripts on my server. Nice script name, too.


07.02.2013 17:37:50: I am a cat (**.***.***.**:60720) 26fae22df998148b97525c3c329da802 - #0 "isnil( (norrnRACarUp select 0) ); isnil( {rpcCodeVarName = {_this}; } ); _this = [dayzJizz, ""]; isnil(registerBroadcastRpc);"
07.02.2013 17:37:50: I am a cat (**.***.***.**:60720) 26fae22df998148b97525c3c329da802 - #38 "isnil( (norrnRACarUp select 0) ); isnil( {rpcCodeVarName = {_this}; } ); _this = [dayzJizz, ""]; isnil(registerBroadcastRpc);"
07.02.2013 18:32:14: I am a cat (**.***.***.**:60720) 26fae22df998148b97525c3c329da802 - #0 "_spawnAIS = this;"
07.02.2013 18:32:14: I am a cat (**.***.***.**:60720) 26fae22df998148b97525c3c329da802 - #36 "_spawnAIS = this;"
07.02.2013 18:34:55: I am a cat (**.***.***.**:60720) 26fae22df998148b97525c3c329da802 - #0 "isnil( (norrnRACarUp select 0) ); isnil( {rpcCodeVarName = {_this}; } ); _this = [dayzJizz, ""]; isnil(registerBroadcastRpc);"
07.02.2013 18:34:55: I am a cat (**.***.***.**:60720) 26fae22df998148b97525c3c329da802 - #38 "isnil( (norrnRACarUp select 0) ); isnil( {rpcCodeVarName = {_this}; } ); _this = [dayzJizz, ""]; isnil(registerBroadcastRpc);"

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I had a player with this exact line in my server earlier. Possible problems caused. Considering whitelisting. This is a 'bypass' please remove the code from your post as it allows players to search for hacks giving them keywords.

Edited by Cody TheLibrarian
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I have noticed that this username has started cropping up on UK410 - odd things seem to happen occasionally when they are online (popup error messages etc) that indicate something is being done but as a new admin on Drunkie's server (UK410) I am still getting to grips with the logs. Any tips for tracking down common scripting?

Or even reading the logs? I was contemplating just chucking them into a code editor to at least give me a decent search and line numbering facility. What does everyone else use/do to read logs more efficiently?

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pyBEscanner is pretty good at detections. It won't PREVENT a hacker, but can help find them.

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