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DayZ: Tactics

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This is a guide that will explain DayZ tactics and behaviors for decision-making and more. It will attempt to enhance your experience through understanding both your and other player's actions. The current version will be placed below, above a spoiler containing the guide. It is advised that you don't read the immediate version until release, as revisions may make a great deal of difference.

V 0.1

As you read this guide, keep in mind that other players will most likely be making the same decisions as you, using their own sets of beliefs and values, and maybe even this guide itself. Remember that they made the decision for a reason, and even if it isn't a good one, you put yourself in that situation. If you've theoretically done nothing wrong, remember this quote:

"Life's not fair." Sometimes things happen when morally or rationally they shouldn't, but that can't stop them from happening. Be thankful there is a respawn button. Continue on your adventures and aim to do better next time. Survive how you can. That's how this game is played, and no one can get on you for doing that (unless your hacking).


At the very base of DayZ, you need to understand the basic dangers.

When you do anything in DayZ, it puts you at risk. You need to understand that when you intentionally increase this risk, it is no fault of your own what has come out of it, as you put yourself in that situation.

Common Risks

-Firing a weapon.

-Lighting a fire.

-Throwing a flare/chemlight.

-Using a flashlight.

-Killing a zombie and not hiding the body.

-Killing a player and not hiding the body.

-Being chased by zombies.

-Driving a car.

-Travelling close to the road in the open.


These common risks work both ways, if you see an unhidden zombie body, out of place loot pile, flashlight, and others.

Reacting to Risk

You need to respond to your risk with a decision that is most likely going to sustain your life.

Response all depends on the player and judgement. Values and ethics play a part in a player's determining of the required action.

When you see a player, there are multiple reactions you can do.

-Try and communicate.

-Run and/or hide.

-Shoot on site.


To determine which action is best, you must analyze the situation as it is. What gear you have, what they have, where you are, where they are, what they are doing, wearing, and more all factor in.

Making the best decision is crucial to your survival. Here are some situations where a player is seen, along with the best actions.

A player in a bandit/hero/survivor skin sees you.

You will meet friendly bandits, some of which either just don't feel like killing you (as they have most likely grown bored of always shooting), some will not kill you regardless (hard-luck bandits), and the all-too-common real bandit.

​The SAFEST thing to assume is that they have gotten their skin for a reason, (except heroes, which you should treat like survivors) and act accordingly. If you are in a prime position to take them out, have the munitions and feel good about it, taking the shot might be the best decision. Shooting a bandit once he's seen you is always the best action unless he completely outguns you, as they might decide to chase you. Otherwise, running away will be the next best thing.

You see a player in a bandit/hero/survivor skin.

Whenever you see a player who does not see you, you have the upper hand. This is where there are many options and many variables. If you have the upper hand, communication, fleeing, and gunning is always a good option. Communication of another player should only be done in emergencies (running into eachother at a corner), or if you have a tactical advantage. Having a player in your crosshairs before talking is ideal.

Once you have communication, see how the player reacts. If he looks around for you, without knowing you have your crosshairs on him, he most likely is a: scared or b: trying to shoot you too.

Both options have a chance of your death, as a scared player is a rash decision maker, and is very jumpy on the trigger. Shooting him now or furthering communication, or even fleeing is an option.

NEVER TALK TO PLAYER WITH VOIP THAT DOES NOT SEE YOU! Use text until he sees you, otherwise you could give up your position.

If you decide to shoot, you need to get into a vantage point where you can see the player and can easily take him/her out, like on top of a building laying down, or around a corner waiting for him/her to enter a building.

When planning to kill a player, there are some things to remember:

-NEVER go hunting. Let the player come to you.

-Only fire at the right moment. There is no room for mistakes. Once you fire you have to finish, flee, or die, and getting the first shot on means you get aggro too, and at that point you have a big disadvantage.

-You don't HAVE to kill him. At a point where a player does not wander into an area where you can take him out, realize that you wanted to eliminate a threat, and that the threat has neutralized itself by no longer being present.

-Look for friends. You don't want to get killed while running over to loot the body.

Finally, fleeing. This should be done in stealth. You cannot attract aggro, fire a shot, sprint out, or anything. Keep an eye on the player, and slowly make your way out of town, sticking to back alleys, bushes, and trees. Once you are about half a klick away from the area, you are most likely safe to run or sprint.

Up next: Coming into town!

Edited by Neko-san
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I like the effort. But the game can be split into a much simpler way to play.

Like getting really good at combat by playing days worth of Arma, then just shoot the fuck out of everything. You'll be an unstoppable killing machine!

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I like the effort. But the game can be split into a much simpler way to play.

Like getting really good at combat by playing days worth of Arma, then just shoot the fuck out of everything. You'll be an unstoppable killing machine!

This aims to take away from that by showing players it can be beneficial and interesting to explore different playstyles and thinking about things in different ways. It gives guidance of atleast how to get started, as well as to the new players for what they should watch out for, basic responses, ect.

It is also to get people to stop complaining. For instance, if you realize what you are doing and what you are getting into, you can't complain for being sniped in Elektro. You went there, that's what happened. Deal with it.

And to say that you can stay alive so much longer and still get good gear by being safe and doing the right things. Of course, that isn't always fun. Sometimes you just wanna do stuff and react as it happens, and I don't believe people should play this way all the time by any means unless they thoroughly enjoy it.

I also don't want people to complain about it anymore, so I'm showing them there is an alternative.

Edited by Neko-san

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dayz isnt hard enough to have a guide like this

That's your opinion.

Doesn't matter. My goal still stands.

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