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dayz parkour?

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this is psisyndicate new video:

(it remembers me or mirros edge in a way....)

quick idea guys:

better player movement, could be parkour style or just climbing, what it proves is that why better movement and more ways to interact with the world we could make better and more ways of playing the game, of course some things should be fixed, but this is a quick idea to make you all wander and think.

since some people didnt get it, i will add it here:

its not like you could jump with lots of stuff in your back, weigh would hinder you so for a person to do this it would be needed no backpacks, only secondary weapon and light clothing, integrating a more parkour movement style meant that you could climb some walls, vault better, run faster due to weigh, alas etc, even slide. It would add a new possibilities and stiles of gameplay, just imagine trying to snipe a super fast guy which can easily jump over walls and slide into cover.... this would add a little more speed to scavengers who like looting and plus with a satchel bag they could just become the true foragers of the city....

the game has bugs due to it, and they could be fixed, you should get the point

Edited by indominator

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It really looks kinda stupid and I want to see someone rolling around like that with a weapon and a backpack.

Well the way it is right now sucks even more but I don't think that this is the solution.

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We should at least be able to jump, do running vaults, and quickly duck/crawl under things instead of having to run, stop, go prone, and very slowly shuffle our way forward

Edited by RobbL

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We should at least be able to jump, do running vaults, and quickly duck/crawl under things instead of having to run, stop, go prone, and very slowly shuffle our way forward

There is a huge difference between what you just wrote and actual parkour.

You won't be able to do parkour with 20 kgs of food and weapons on your back.

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There is a huge difference between what you just wrote and actual parkour.

You won't be able to do parkour with 20 kgs of food and weapons on your back.

Yeah what i'm saying is we just need some more movement options, but nothing near fully implemented parkour

Edited by RobbL

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i thought this shit was actually pretty awesome..... front flip off the cranes on the docks into the water at cherno anyone?

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I think that parkour wouldn't be that bad, if you were forced to remove your pack, main-hand weapon, and gear first because then it'd be so unrealistic. But simpler stuff like vaulting, as said above, or even what they do on the BF3 Storymode (sorry for talking about other games, just trying to explain what I'm talking about since I dunno what it's actually called) where one guy gives the other guy a boost onto a ledge or over a wall.

Or rappeling! I want to be able to sling a rope over a rail and walk down the side of a building or sling down a bridge. That'd also help with getting around.

Edited by Welch
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It would be nice to be able to climb or scale certain objects and walls , assuming you have your hands free and are relatively unburdened .

You might be able to escape a throng of zeds , or get out of a dead end situation if you're cornered by some bad people who want your stuff .

This could create a situation where it's possible that you could be more likely to survive if you don't have a weapon , crazy right .

To be honest , I am not too crazy on the combat roll with full load on .

Edited by Jars
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I can combat roll over fences, that is literally all I wanted out of the game.

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I think the combat roll is a little too high in the air. You're jumping like 5+ feet and landing on your back...

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