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Zombie damage? Knocked down to early with 9k blood.

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Before the latest update the knockout effect of the zombies where a good addition to the game, There was those times that you got a "Mike tyson" knockout zombies but well, it just made you remember to keep your blood above 9k. The zombies also had to low dmge. If you had to die from zombies you had to get 5 of them around you, and stand still for 20 seconds. And they fixed the zombie damage, and i think this is an awesome upgrade to the zombies. But here we come to the problem. When earlier you had to get hit 10 times to get down to 9k blood you now have to get hit twice? I Don't have an accurate number of new dmge for zombies so if anyone could post this?

So now things like being hit trough a wall that earlier was a nuisance have been upgraded to a mayor problem, I where in a shopping mall and where crawling trough the ting to not attract zombies and accessed an loot pile, and suddenly, "ROOOAR" crash crash... i was on the floor, unconscious, and the zombie i had aggro ed trough the wall started eating me! i survived by pure luck and is now running around at night fainting and eating cans of food to get my blood back up. Not that this isn't a lot of fun :)

So well, it brings some sorely missing hardships to the game, but since the problem with zombies agroing trough walls cant be fixed, maybe the limit should be lowered to 8 or 7k, so the insta kill trough walls problem at least gets easier to get around.

Other than that love the new patch :)

Haven't yet found an crash site tough... So the spawns for these where changed, anyone know the new mechanic?

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Haven't yet found an crash site tough... So the spawns for these where changed, anyone know the new mechanic?

There's like a 3/4 chance every hour for one to spawn. If they don't appear on the servers you play on, there may be something wrong with Bliss.

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