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Why not convert Chernarus in a quarantine area?

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Let me explain:

Chernarus is a big place. But when you approach the border north / west and you see these huge mountains ... I think everyone thinks: What lies beyond? Because I can not go? ... I know I will not find anything and be a waste of time ... In a way we're locked in this huge map of 225km2.

I think that since this is the present situation, because they convert Chernarus in a quarantine area, isolated from the world?? Surrounded by armies of npc patrolling its border with helicopters, jeeps, etc ... all designed to enable the player eventually dies while trying to leave the area. Of course the reward for killing one of these NPC soldiers must be getting advanced military equipment. Of course, running a terrible risk.

These NPC could also do a patrol into the zombies eliminated both as survivors.

I imagine something similar to what was going on in Stalker and the military guarding the Zone.

In this way we also can provide DayZ a kind of story.

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been recommended time and time again

If you wanna quarantine the area, get some heavily armed buddies and set it up!

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If you wanna quarantine the area' date=' get some heavily armed buddies and set it up!


Amazing idea! Thank you for your cooperation!

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