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Can I have a hatchet and gun, dont seem to be able to have the both. If gun is in my hand I can have hatchet on tool belt but cant have hatchet in hand and gun?

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No. it's a pain in the ass at the moment. you have to drop your gun to equip the hatchet.

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If you've got a 10+ slot pack you can put the gun in your pack (be sure to have 10 empty slots or you risk losing the weapon/items). Also keep in mind that moving a weapon will (for now) also move all of it's respective ammunition--meaning if you have an M4 and 3 magazines on your person, you need 13 slots free to move it.

If you pack (or drop) your weapon, you can then "pick up hatchet" and then right click and "add to toolbelt" on the hatchet and re-equip your primary weapon. At the very least, it's worth doing for the convenience of being able to right-click "harvest firewood" (2 inventory spaces required for the firewood, naturally).


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If by gun, you're referring to a rifle, yes, at the moment you can't have both in your active inventory, at least as weapons. You can keep some space in your pack for your rifle or find a loot pile and drop your rifle in it while you hatchet some zombies.

However though, you can have a sidearm and hatchet in your active inventory. Therefore a common strategy for people is to go hatchet for zombies and sidearm for players. Usually M1911 or Revolver or a very effective one is PDW, since it has full-auto mode, large mag size, and can use a number of different mags, including MP5 and MP5 SD mags, leaving more room for bandages in your secondary inventory. This can be effective when first starting out, but also is good when making runs on NWAF and such if you know you'll get a good set of loot. If you drop your usual rifle in a tent or vehicle, empty your alice pack or coyote pack and most of your main items, you could potentially leave with 3 rifles, each with 3 or 4 mags for each.

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