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8th Infantry Division - new military realism clan now recruiting.

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Hello, I am Col Brown, and I am the CO of the 8th Infantry Division, an Arma/DayZ tactical military clan. We are currently stepping up our recruitment effort, but before you commit to something you probably want to know a little about it.

8Inf was created on 5 January, 2013 and at first it was just myself and a few other guys. We've slowly been growing since. We are primarily a DayZ clan, but have been branching out into the Arma 2 multiplayer missions and armory as well as the Wasteland mod more recently. We have a presence online daily despite our small numbers.

We do not have any requirements other than being mature to keep our playerbase at its current, high level of maturity. Military background of some sort is taken into consideration, but do not expect to be at a disadvantage if you don’t have it. As long as you pull your weight you will have no problems.

Speaking of that, let’s discuss advancement. It is very easy to advance in 8Inf if you are a good asset to the clan. How does one get noticed for promotions? Make yourself known. Are we at base waiting for a group to return or waiting for something else? Strike up a conversation, me and Unser are not unapproachable, we’re just guys playing DayZ like you. Hell, if you want a promotion to a certain position ask for it. Most clans would punish you for being so straightforward, but we welcome that so long as you don’t spam us. We see it not as begging (unless you do actually beg. Pro tip: that doesn’t work) but as having the initiative to step up to the plate and ask. If we like your track record we’ll give you the spot on a trial period, and if you do well we will promote you and officially give you the position.

We specialize in tactics, when you join you will be asked to choose one of three MOS's: infantry is our basic frontline member, taking the fight to zeds and bandits alike. Recons are our eyes, ears and swords, operating in teams of 2-3 to gather intelligence and take down long range targets. Resource managers are the life-blood of the clan, bringing us all the supplies we need and making sure the base is organized and ready for action.

We already have a record of filling the power vacuum on some servers, establishing a base and showing our muscle to dominate the server in a passive way. You heard that right, we are a passive clan. We are not friendly to outsiders most of the time, but we are not aggressive either. Let me be clear though, if you mess with us or the bambis on the server, we will fuck you up. You have been warned.

In our short history, we have performed operations using deception and subterfuge to take out 5 targets of interest, the details of which must remain confidential within the clan to protect future operations. What I can say, however, is that if you wrong us in a significant way expect to become another statistic.

If 8Inf seems like something you would be interested in, register and put in an application at 8inf.enjin.com or come to our teamspeak at vs9.tserverhq.com:9034 and poke either myself or Capt. Unser and we will move you into one of our rooms and talk with you. If nobody is online at the time, as may happen if we are all at work or in class, send one of us a message on our site and we’ll get back to you ASAP.

But what is 8Inf, you might ask? Obviously it stands for the 8th Infantry Division. If you’re a history buff, the 8th ID was a US Army division active between 1918 and 1992. But why call it 8Inf and not 8ID? There is another clan out there, 1ID for the 1st Infantry Division and we did not want to create confusion. For a more complete history you can see the Wikipedia page, but as for the clan itself here is some basic information:

-We use a US Marine Corps ranking structure. The ranks are:

-Private, Private First Class, Lance Corporal, and Corporal are the basic enlisted ranks.

-Sergeant and Staff Sergeant are our junior non-commissioned officers (NCO)

-Gunnery Sergeant, Master Sergeant, and Master Gunnery Sergeant are our senior NCOs

-First Sergeant is a variant of Master Sergeant, and Sergeant Major is a variant of Master Gunny, the two are in order the second highest and highest ranked enlisted members of the clan.

-Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant, and Captain are the junior officer ranks

-Major, Lieutenant Colonel, and Colonel are senior officer ranks.

-There are two general officer spots for the top leadership of the clan. There is no difference between these ranks and the rank of Colonel other than being able to tell the leadership apart from the rest of the senior officers. The Executive Officer (XO) is the second in command, and his rank is Brigadier General, otherwise known as a 1-star General. The Commanding Officer (CO) is the clan leader and is a Major General, more commonly known as a 2-star General.

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I would like to join i enjoy military clans for there seriousness and maturity i have some military background from my family i have great experience in military clans also if you guys need i have a server you can practice on and a big teamspeak server

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we know have roughly 20 active members and are still growing so come on over!

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come hop on the Teamspeak and poke Col. Brown or Capt. Unser and have a talk with a recruiter!


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Still recruiting, we are up to 11 active members and many more in reserve waiting for training. We carried out our first true combat training today and it went amazingly, no matter where you are on the battlefield you can now rest easy in the knowledge that whether you are advancing with our infantry fireteams or getting overwatch from our recon teams you will be in capable, skilled hands.

And whether you decide to join or not, why not check out our new private hive? There is no better time to establish than now when the population is low (cap of 15 people on our second day with 80+ hits on the website and 40+ unique server joins)

Edited by Mazon

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we are running some more training ops ladys and gents come on and join in on the TS


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we are setting up a tournament on our server, its all filled up but you can still sign up to spectate!

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our first tournament went off well last night ended up lasting five and a half hours!

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