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Variety in zombies?

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One thing I would love to see is some variety in the zombies. Tall zombies, short zombies, thin zombies, fat zombies...

FEMALE ZOMBIES! Female zombies with big boobs, female zombies with small boobs...

Zombies missing limbs, zombies missing some clothes (no nudity), partially skeletal zombies...

You get the idea. If all the zombies look relatively the same it gets pretty boring pretty fast. If the zombies had a slew of different sizes and shapes that could be created randomly with a crapload of clothing pieces to be randomly worn...VARIETY!

As it is, with each zombie I kill I think to myself "I just killed you 2 minutes ago...".

Would this be possible in the standalone? Would it be worth the extra work required to make it happen?

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Well, one of the SA pics from last weeks devblog had a female zed in it so I would say your dreams will become a reality.

Edited by Fraggle
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Would this be possible in the standalone? Would it be worth the extra work required to make it happen?

It's possible and it's what they're doing. At least in terms of variety, expect a lot more there. In terms of partially skeletal, I don't know. Remains to be seen how they'll spin the diseased but alive/diseased and undead thing in the standalone version, free of certain restrictions that almost pushed them into that corner with the mod.

Just not worth the effort of adding a ton of textures and models to the open mod at this point.

Edited by Elvaron

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Nice. I didn't notice the female zombie there. I assume then we will also have more variety in the general look of the zombies as well? I would love to say to my buddies "You get the fat one...ill get the skinny one.". =D

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Your gonna crap em when you see zombies in clothes and you mistake them for players.

I do wonder still, can you take clothes off the infected? Nude Zombies running around, that's all we need.

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