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WTF group inviting other players to join us! Noobs welcome

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Hi, we are a Dayz group who are part of the UK based gaming community Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. We have played many games together since 2004 and are long time Arma 2 players. We're a friendly and pretty mature bunch of guys (Big Kids!) who like a laugh and are focused on the fun of playing as a team together more so than we are on our statistics etc. We previously ran a fairly succesful Warfare server with our own edit of Bennys mod on there and have a good standing in the community.

What we are offering is a place to get together with other survivors, work as a team and put some tactics and strategies into play with Dayz. We are against hacking in a BIG way and will be spending our time on a whitelisted server and activley helping to discourage hacking and cheating. We have a good sense of community in our clan and are pretty laid back.

We routinely share our loot and always go out our way to help other players if we can somehow manage to trust that they wont hatchet us in the back for our goodies!

All you need is a Mic, Teamspeak 3 and some free time to join in with us, so if your are interested in knowing more then either visit us at our Dayz forum at http://whiskey-tango....co.uk/news.php or pop on our Teamspeak server Password=wtfg where we can be found most nights and sometimes during the day aswell.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Edited by WTF-MakZ

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Dont you already have another thread like this? I'm sure you posted the same thing earlier.

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Yeah apologies i realised i put it in the wrong forum earlier, was going to request an admin to remover the previous thread if poss?

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Hi guys,

If your looking for a server to play on why not come to 116ths server... we currently have an average of 20-30 players where 2 clans are at war with normal survivors/bandits still join and prefer not to be in either of the 2 sides armies (which is really good giving randomness and diversity )

Plenty of crash sites

Plenty of choppers

Lots of vehicles (300)

We play on the taviana map and have whitelisting in place (which means we are 99.5% hacker free )

Come give it a try and see what you think....

The 2 armies (clans) have an agreement that we each have a base and are not allowed to attac or raid them but if your a normal survivor/bandit in a small group there is nothing against YOU doing so.... Or you could form your own army group with a small safe zone...details of server

Hope to see some whitelisting requests from you guys.

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Cheers pro, we're going server to server at the moment so will have a go on your server next time the lads are on TS, cheers for the invite!

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Just a little update,

We are getting our own DayZ server up and running, in the very near future.

So anyone who wants to be a part of this, just head over to our website or jump onto our teamspeak.

We will be running a whitelist invite only and a near hacker free environment.

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We are still looking for new blood, noobs welcome.

So if your looking for a new home and like minded players, give us a try.

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New server up and running.

Whitelist only, you can apply on our clan website.


- Private Hive (WhiteList enabled - Applications Only)

- 50 Slot

- TimeZone Offset = GMT -7 hrs

- E.U. Server - Hosted in Amsterdam

- Auto Restarts at: every 3hrs *NOW WITH COUNTDOWN WARNING MESSAGES*

- Regular

- Waypoints = ON

- Crosshair = ON

- 3rd Person = ON

- Side Chat = ON

- BattlEye = ON

- Max Ping = 300

- Vehicle Limit = 150

Starting loadout

- 1 Blood Pack

- 1 Baked Beans

- 1 Water Bottle

- 1 Pepsi

- 1 Painkillers

- 1 Roadflares

- 1 Patrol Pack

- 1 Markov

- 1 Ammo Clip

- 1 Bandage

- 1 Torch

Edited by WTF-Kaysio

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Yo Im US but Im intrusted Is There An Age Limit Do I Havt To Be 18? im 14 Names Barrett Love Dayz not a pro but just want friends to hang out with :D

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Yo Im US but Im intrusted Is There An Age Limit Do I Havt To Be 18? im 14 Names Barrett Love Dayz not a pro but just want friends to hang out with :D

Our age limit is 21yrs, though we do allow younger if we feel they are mature enough.

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Hey I would love to join, I am a complete noob and would love to learn from pros, take me as an intern and a meat bag, if there is anything needed I will do them as well as i can,

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