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Team up?

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Hey people, how is it going? Anyone want to pick a server and do a walking dead sorta thing? Please if a bandit reads this, dont join the server. By the way some dedicated servers would be nice because i kind of jump around from server to server and only set up shop when i have good gear. We would need people who are good at looting and people to get food/ guns and ammo. Some experience would be nice but this is an open invite to anyone (except bandits and pvp people). Have a good day.


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Hello Rookie,

I am currently looking to start a squad on the private server I am currently on. It is whitelisted without hackers, but I haven't received anyone who is interested in joining the server with me. I am an avid Walking Dead fan, (girlfriend and ours favorite show) so I am highly interested in bringing that into this game. It is something that I have always had on my mind since playing this mod.

I have a few camps already and would love to help you out immediately on our server, so please message me back and we can coordinate.

This goes for anyone else that is willing to join as well. Bandits, please don't bother - I like to think I have decent aim =D

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If this is still open, I would very much like to join either of you. I am 14 years old ( I don't squeak, just for the information.) on the pacific coast of America, and am looking for a good squad to team up with on some sort of private hive server. I am talented at scavenging, sniping, driving, and flying. Thank you for any consideration. The best way to reach me if you would like to team is via email @ MattShadows99@hotmail.com.

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Hey there, If you could add me on Skype that would be great. Or please apply for our clan The New Republic on our website, We're not a big clan but are accepting anyone who has some knowledge of the game and common sense. Look forward to speaking to you. Skype - Millward1231/Praeliux OR my clan's leader - JamieWood_x

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