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DayZ Standalone Suggestion - Carrier on Map

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On DayZ Standalone there will be Utes on Chernarus, what about the Carrier that is one Utes Map?

I think one Carrier that is a bit off map would be pretty interessting, because it would add another reason to find a boot and use it. It could handle some special loot just like an Airport or something, so what do you thing?

Sorry for bad english btw

Edited by Master11388

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While an aircraft carrier would be interesting to investigate, it likely wouldn't have stayed in the same position for the whole time between the Zed outbreak and the setting of the game.

The extra islands should give us enough of a reason to make use of boats in SA.

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I think the new Island is in swimming distance if it stays where it is. Yea maybe the Carrier could be somehow like the Destroyed Helis, a bit random placed.

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While an aircraft carrier would be interesting to investigate, it likely wouldn't have stayed in the same position for the whole time between the Zed outbreak and the setting of the game.

Well that's the thing about an unreleased storyline... you can justify everything by creating it's own circumstances.

The carrier is still in it's original location because... it's where the virus originally broke out! it hit a mine and was disabled! the captain got shitfaced and humped the ship's generator until it gave in!

I personally quite like the idea of the carrier. Naval staff zombies... High loot spawn... Hard to access.

It could have a lot of potential - much like the oilrigs of Taviana.

Edited by mzltv

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Apart from Aesthetics I see no need for it, not bashing your idea but tbh I don't think there is much point having it unless there is like an osprey on it or something where you need at least 3 people to fly, something that rewards team playing. IDK

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The carrier is still in it's original location because... it's where the virus originally broke out! it hit a mine and was disabled! the captain got shitfaced and humped the ship's generator until it gave in!
Powered or not, a boat in water will move.

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Powered or not, a boat in water will move.

Those anchors must be hella light.

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yeah this reminds me of the aircraft carrier in fallout 3, I imagine to build up my house in it, place some 50cal and trapwires and give helpless girls some shelter.

In my eyes it shouldnt be too far away from the coast, maybe it just stranded at a good position in chernarus or directly in cherno harbor.


Edited by Kirby_TWC

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I misread when you said carrier I thought you meant one lucky person will spawn infected and have the chance to spread the infection amongst survivors which I immediately thought was a good idea before realizing it wasn't what you were talking about :D

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I imagine to build up my house in it, place some 50cal and trapwires and give helpless girls some shelter.

Whilst I approve of your chivalry, you're gonna get a hell of a lot of visitors come a-knocking if you set up shop there...

maybe it just stranded at a good position in chernarus or directly in cherno harbor.

I'd try to make it as unaccessable as possible - otherwise, if it was in the harbor for instance, people would literally walk straight on board and tool up with some high-end gear.

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Why does everyone want the island to be within swimming distance? It's supposed to make us search for boats.

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I dont want it to be in swimming distance, but it looks like it is in the Video.

Of what I've heard, the swim to Skalisky Island is still something I wouldn't (and I suspect a load more people) wouldn't be down for. Bearing in mind you have to cross the island, and then swim again to reach Utes, where you could be shot at any second.. I'd rather find a boat first.

How did your anchored aircraft carrier manage to hit a mine?

Well that's the thing about an unreleased storyline... you can justify everything by creating it's own circumstances.

Edited by mzltv

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Unspecified lore isn't worth specualting about ATM.

What I meant in the first post was, if the mainland is getting overrun with Zeds, I'd expect the navy to call it quits and leave.

Granted, anything can be handwaved when it comes down to it, just that particular scenario doesn't ring true to me.

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It's kinda why I offered multiple scenarios as to why it was still there.

It's detracting from the point of the carrier being something that could add another exciting location for people to discover and scavenge.

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Yes, I want a prison ship (Yeah I know, Utes may have replaced airfield for Prison) But I would love a place where you can dump prisoner players where no loot spawns.

Have it far enough of shore and use it as a base or prison. As for escaping players, they can take their chances in the water and hope they find warm clothes when they get out. Before sni[pers can get them.

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In any case, I think "anti-game authenticity" should outweigh "rule of cool"

Come to think of it, if you're in a dinghy, how do you get onto an aircraft carrier?


That's not me being snarky, I just don't know the mechanics of it.

I always imagined, unless you come by air, someone would have to lift you into it.

They're pretty feckin' huge.

Edited by Chabowski

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Yeah, unless the ship had a little internal dock for boat mooring, I'd assume air would be the only entry point.

Also, I didn't know they were replacing the Utes airfield with a prison!

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hope this will get some attantion, because i really thing this is doable and not unrealistic.

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