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My first day on

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First shock of the day: Sever was offline. WTH?! Go check forum, see new patch just arrived, read patchnote, got excited but not wet yet. Come back later just to receive my second shock of the day: Sever was resettet. All my 8 tent filled with high end weapons, ammunition, medical device, my 6 car, my 2 bike had been wiped out. Well, fuge it. Went to chernogorsk for new tent. But instead found a "hacker?" with a T81 tank. I said fuge it, he didnt care and shoot an HE- or even a Sabot-Granate in my face. D*ck! created new cha. Runs back to Chernogosk. Running became boring, no danger in the wood. Jam a screwdriver to my w-key and started to cleaning up my basement. Upon arrive: find tank wreck but not my corpse. Wut? A bit sad because nightgoogle, camo and GPS are gone now, but still no fuge given.Testing out the new patch, but avoided to be shocked again: Nope Zeds still useless as ever, just as I expected. Run past Zeds close enough to meele right in the middle of the main street in chernogorsk: Zed didnt gave a fuge. So nor did I.But from times to times one or more Zed did turn around to follow me. So I had to run around a corner to loose them (feeling like I am a celebrity and Zeds are my paparazzi) or lure then into a building to slash them down with my brand new axt (feeling like a celebrity with mental breakdown). Found Reminton in the firestation. Alright time to shine. Started shooting Zeds, notice they do love the sound of my gun. Luckily 2rnd muni were fuging everywhere. Still after around 40 shots and around 30 dead Zeds, ammo got low. So back to the root. Started kindly axting the Zeds to move aside so I could leave the building. Meeting bandits outside, who also loved the music of my gun. Try to show me the voice of their enfield and makarov. Didnt liked it, so I run zigzag away at high speed. luckily none of them are good aimer, but bored human do remain the only threat in this game. Though it was a bit hard to loot the hangar at balota. run 3 round around the building and Zed still keep following or respawning, so I threw a smoke, wait till these junkies gather up in the smoke and calmly looted these place. After 2 1/2 Houres I got 3 tent, 1 m4a1, 1 m4a1 cco (camo), remington, g17, Mp5 and a gun name starting with k... Didnt care, put them all in my base along with bunch of crap weapon, enough food/drinks and medic supply. Why the fuge I gather all those crap... 10-25player were on the sever during that time. But they probably got some clan sever filled with supply for amunition/food and weapons. So instead of gathering they just keep shooting each other in Chernogosk.

Nearly got killed twice in crossfire. Jup bored player are the only threat for sure.

Logging out, come to forum to praise the patch but suggest to keep making it even more challenging. Instead see lot of people complaing about DAYZ become to hard to play or to much like a survival game. wut? Don't get it.

Tell me your story, your first day with was it really so hard to "survive".

Edited by Unit01

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I started with a broken leg and everything red and flashing... Died a few seconds later and lost all my good gear....sadeface

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