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Who wants to play together?

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I live in Canada. My timezone is Pacific Time -8. Anyone want to play together as a team and work together to that common goal? (stocking up on the goods, avoiding bandits, killing the bandits...with a vengance). If so then PM me if you would like to, You can add me through the DayZ Commander (Xilstealth). I'd like to play on a server with 24hr time with no nameplate or crosshair so that you can't see people in the distance if you coincidentially mouse over the player.


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We've just started a server and are looking for new players and possible new admins in different time zones. We are Australian.

We're just starting out, so the first 50 players to get involved get a weapon of choice and a full loadf out (NVGs, backpack etc)

Add us admins on skype if you're interested




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Look forward to seeing you on there!


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