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My Best DayZ Characters Story Part 1

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*This is my story of my by far best DayZ character and i am only touching on the first couple of days in this article i will continue either tomorrow or another time soon, please enjoy the story and dont forget to leave "Your" DayZ story, Thanks!

Day 1:

It all started when i spawned outside of Cherno. I figured i should get a bigger bag right away so i ran to the super market and once i had made it there i stumbled across a Lee Enfield, i picked it up and continued looting. After getting an ALICE pack and some food and drinks i decided i would scatter through some smaller building for tools and possibly a ghillie suit, unfortunately i did not find a ghillie suit, but just a few tools that would help my survival. At this point i thought "maybe i can score in the fire station and get an M4 or something"! As i ran to the fire station i got into a little problem. There was a sniper watching over me, and decided shooting at me was a good idea, i sprinted for cover and just as i was going for cover! BAM!!! I was hit, knocked out, and bleeding fast. All of a sudden i noticed some movement, than my bleeding stop, and than as if it were magic i was awake with full blood and perfectly fine. I turned around to only see someone turn the corner and vanish. To this day i have no idea who that person was that saved me, but they were apart of my story and helped me achieve my story. At this point i knew this sniper had to pay so i snuck around a bunch of building and finally had a perfect shot with my Lee, in my head i slowly counted down...3...2...1, and than all i remember is seeing his body drop and nothing left of him besides his body and name in the killfeed. I did not want to take the chance to go loot him so i just accepted the fact that i got him and that it was time to go get some medical supplies and leave.

Day 2:

After a crazy battle and mysterious life saver in Cherno, i began to head to Stary. I was around half way to Stary when all of a sudden i hear the rumbling of an engine and a dust cloud in the distance. I started to freakout because i was sure that these guys were hostile, i began running in this open field (bad idea) and all of a sudden i hear the car as if its right behind me, and than i hear a stop and a door slam! Then i hear the famous words, "Get in the van" and well i did as they said, i got in and listened. These wanna be badass bandits thinking they were just going to kidnap me and do what they want to me, i decided to check their gear, when i did this i see a verity of weapons, snipers assault rifles and such, i began to think, i'm not going to get these guys with a sniper, so i waited to takeout the M4A3 CCO, as soon as we slowed down i ejected and started opening fire, i took out one of their men, (1/4) and i knew they weren't going to allow that, all of a sudden a van is coming full out at me and than i just here a loud BOOM! I look and see the driver drop out of the van, followed by another shot and the front passenger falling out as well. The last guy jump out and begged me not to kill him, when in my head im hoping for the exact same thing, i had no idea who was shooting these cannon like shots. A second after the bandit begged me for sympathy, BAM!! he was dropped just like his friends. I dropped to the floor and hoped i wasn't next. But at that moment i saw just in the corner of my eye, a guy walking towards me slowly with a huge gun, which i assumed to be a sniper rifle, and he said to me very dull, "No problem", this actually gave me the chills and he signaled me to get in the van and drive to his camp with him.

Day 3:

I knew that this guy would not kill me, i could just trust him with no concern after what he did for me. I asked him what i could do and he said "Fight them". I was confused, and questioned him about "Them", he didn't respond and continued driving, we arrived to the unbelievable camp, there were secret bear traps everywhere along with some wire and tank traps, he told me to go to one of the tents and take as i wished, it was coming down to sunset at this time in the server, as we disconnected the night before there, we hopped on quite late, when i got on he was in the same place, waiting, for me. I was kind of afraid because this guy was very intimidating and seemed like he was very brave and courageous (not trying to get all gay up in here :P) and he told me it would be night soon, so i grabbed some NVGs and a M14, he told me to be ready and be smart. I responded saying " i will", he said that these group of bandits wondered around devils castle, as if it was their base. He said we were going to take them out and get rid of their equipment, I asked, "what if there is something good" and he replied slowly saying, "you hide their bodies, alright"? i listened to him and decided he was right. We arrived outside of devils and waited for hours, i really mean hours, he "said i guess their not around tonight" and also said "hop on tomorrow 5 hours before the current time (2AM), he said they would be there tomorrow and i said "ok" and logged off.

I hope you have enjoyed a very small bit of my story, and feel free to leave yours, also tell me what you think so far and i will continue to make these, just look for the next part sometime soon and ill try to keep these up!! thanks for reading and continue your story!!

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