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Hey guys, If you are looking for a cool chernarus server with quite afew cool feature's you have come to the right thread!

*NEW* If you become a regular of the server the admins will build you a custom base at a destination of your choice!

BLACKOUT Server Features List:

50 Slot Server

24/7 Daylight

Lots of vehicles!

( Over 150! )

Very Active & Friendly Admins ( 4 in total )

( Very levelheaded admins, No admin abuse whatsoever )

As the admins are so active we catch cheater's almost instantly, In the event a hacker teleport's everyone..ect

we do rollbacks so you never lose your progress/gear.

Auto-Refueling Script at Gas Station's

Heli Lifting Script

( Certain heli's can air lift certain vehicles. )

Starting Gear!

( You start with a Revolver, You also get a backpack with med's & food to get you going. )

We have our own TeamSpeak server for our player's to join.

We also have a second instance server running Namalsk, If you ever feel like a change :P

There's probably other feature's that I'm forgetting to mention right now so come checkout the server for yourself...

The server is currently open so anyone can join!

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Edited by Opticz
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I am an Administrator on this server group, and naturally, I like the place! Naturally, we run into problems with some of the scripts at some points, but we do our best to keep things easy and simple for everyone.

We also have a BLACKOUT #2 running DayZ+ (Bring a clan, we'll supply you with base-building materials), and a BLACKOUT #3 server currently running Isla Duala.

Come around on the weekends when things get busy - we will be doing admin games and Steam game giveaways from time to time to keep things interesting. We also have a teamspeak server - information available in any of the servers :)

Thanks for looking, and we hope to see you over at BLACKOUT!

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