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Blood Bags

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So this has probably been suggested before, but I think you should be able to fill your own blood bags. Takes a bit of blood (how ever much for a blood bag) and that maybe regens over time? Also these should be able to pass your sickness into the blood.

But think about it. Your sick, got a nasty infection. You fill some blood bags. Walk up to a guy, knock him out. And give a transfusion suddenly your some HIV spreading monster D:

Or you know. it would make being a medic a tad easier to get blood bags. whatever. yeah.

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The newest update did state that there is a possibility to get sick from using a blood bag.

It would be kind of nice to give myself a transfusion, instead of having to carry two cows worth of meat around just to get my blood back for whatever reason.

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I would rather be able to give myself a blood bag instead.

Yeah dito, really bugs me that I can't. I like to play lonewolf and this screws it.

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