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Script Restriction #44

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So a friend of mine told me not to die because you can get banned or something on the new DayZ patch So I ignored it as i thought it was a random glitch. So i played regardless yesterday and i logged on today to find i cannot join any servers. because of script restriction #44 now i have NEVER hacked and DayZ is my most played game i hate hackers and peole who cheat to get ahead can i please be appealed as this is NOT a fair ban....

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Script restriction #44 is not a ban. I believe it's a server-side bug.

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Script restriction #44 is not a ban.

The kick is caused by an incompability of the DayZ mod patch and the old scripts.txt.

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If you have a pop up error Script Restritstion you should delete the folder "ArmA 2 OA" in "C:\Users\#username#\AppData\Local\", and doing it before of each entry on the server.

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Guest Dwarden

these kicks are unrelated to your client ...

please realize that kick #number is not equal to line number ...

so you in fact not removing line equal to #44 but totally different line

BE scripts violation #44 are related to setFuel line 46 ...

server admins please update to latest scripts.txt


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