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Pokey (DayZ)

Can't fill Jerrycans or cook Raw Meat.

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Another issue I've been having for a few days now. For information purposes; I'm not running the new DayZ patch 1.7.5, I am running the latest Arma beta.

This started a few days ago (before the new patch, so that is not the issue). It first started happening with cooking meat, I cannot select the cook meat option it only appears on the context menu for a millisecond. I have tried many different things to try and cook meat.

  • Moving away from the fire
  • Mousing over every possible area
  • Attempting to cook in an open field so nothing can possibly be in the way (trees)
  • Attempted to quickly select the option whilst it appears in the menu, but it's impossible as it vanishes so quickly.

I've followed every possible response in this forum, and nothing works.

My other issue is filling Jerrycans, and it's exactly the same as cooking meat. The option only appears for a millisecond, and no matter where I go it won't let me fill.

  • Attempted to run >200 meters out so it can load or something. No effect.
  • Attempted to drop jerrycans and pick them up again. No effect.
  • Tried every tanker that can refill the cans that I come across. No effect.

It's exactly like the cooking meat. It doesn't matter where I position myself next to the tanker (trust me, I've tried everything imaginable when it comes to positioning, no innuendo intended).

And no, neither the meat or my Jerrycans are in my Backpack, and the Jerrycans are empty.

Any help on this one? I'm having to simply pick up lootable jerrycans to refill my cars now, and I'm in the process of repairing a Helicopter and this problem is making it a nightmare!

Edited by Pokey

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