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Use the F key to select your flares and then LMB to throw one. :)

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You're the dude that was having issues installing yesterday? Looks like you got it sorted. Nice one. Just a quick bit of advice, you should play through some of the Arma tutorial missions before jumping in. They'll take you through basic movement, driving, flying, shooting, basically everything you need. It means you can get used to the controls before jumping in at the deep end. Once you feel more comfortable you'll enjoy the game a lot more.

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Use F to cycle through your items, there should be flares after a couple, just make sure you switch back to your gun afterwards by pressing F again. I wouldn't advise using them though, unless you know for sure you're alone, but even then it's dangerous. Players can seen flares and flashlights at night literally a mile away. Stick to chemlights if you need to see things around you.

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