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_Anubis_ (DayZ)

First kill today ...

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Today I killed a player for the first time ever, when I did it I had no idea whether he was a bandit or not.

It was pitch dark and I had cranked gamma to try to see something. I was close to an isolated farm waiting for some more zombies and stuff to re-spawn. I usually chose a protected place behind trees to watch.

Suddenly I see in the open field between the farm and the forest where I am, a player moving. Tags are off, so no way to understand who he is.

The player gets closer and from his profile against the sky I can see that he has NVG,wears a Ghillie suit and has a silenced rifle -- he completely overpowers me.

He does not say anything (no voice, no typing) while moving and then he drops to the ground, I can't see the rifle barrel so either he is looking now on the opposite side, or he is aiming.

I stop hesitating and I shoot, two times with the CZ-550 which I found at the barn before. i have no time to think about zeroing, I just aim to the body now in the grass, then shoot a third time and I get the message that the player is dead.

I exchange my CZ-550 for his silenced M-4, get his backpack and some ammo and food and leave the field.

Checked with the epeen monitor while leaving: murder count is 1 and the humanity level is below zero... Wonderful I killed some other poor guy like me :-(


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Today I killed a player for the first time ever, when I did it I had no idea whether he was a bandit or not.

It was pitch dark and I had cranked gamma to try to see something. I was close to an isolated farm waiting for some more zombies and stuff to re-spawn. I usually chose a protected place behind trees to watch.

Suddenly I see in the open field between the farm and the forest where I am, a player moving. Tags are off, so no way to understand who he is.

The player gets closer and from his profile against the sky I can see that he has NVG,wears a Ghillie suit and has a silenced rifle -- he completely overpowers me.

He does not say anything (no voice, no typing) while moving and then he drops to the ground, I can't see the rifle barrel so either he is looking now on the opposite side, or he is aiming.

I stop hesitating and I shoot, two times with the CZ-550 which I found at the barn before. i have no time to think about zeroing, I just aim to the body now in the grass, then shoot a third time and I get the message that the player is dead.

I exchange my CZ-550 for his silenced M-4, get his backpack and some ammo and food and leave the field.

Checked with the epeen monitor while leaving: murder count is 1 and the humanity level is below zero... Wonderful I killed some other poor guy like me :-(


I know that feel bro.

However if he had NVG/M4 CCO SD then he would likely have Killed you.

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Wait there is more to that!

After a few hours of playing I discovered that my humanity level is growing, I can see in the epeen monitor and it is around 1500 (it was 2500 when I spawned).

The only thing I did was to kill a lot of zombies and drop items when I found something more valuable.

That's strange, does it means there are no "bandits" at all in ?


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Did you have a bandit skin when you dropped below zero? Bandit skin or not though, your humanity increases passively up to that 2500 mark. That has been a mechanic since they re-introduced humanity, not just the latest patch.

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Hmmm, dunno then, but the humanity system as a whole is glitchy at best, but I wouldn't be complaining about no bandit skin lol.

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This is how you kill some one (watch end)

You're a nob.. an you play on low settings.

Edited by Victus Mortuus

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Sorry man... I just hate Bandits ;)

so do i but that was my friend and it was on a server where you spawn with every thing so it wasnt that bad

Edited by johnzy117

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By the way during that (server's) night I was killed as well.

After a long trip during the night without compass I managed to reach Vysota from the west map corner to pass the rest of the night there. At one point I saw some zombies get aggro and run uphill: I watched for a while and started moving with the M-4 in the backpack to appear less dangerous.

Nope. Bang bang bang, drop dead (a sniper judging the noise). Well everything is temporary so someone else now enjoys my gear :-)

Another dayz lesson: don't play at night, the only ones out there are snipers with NVGs.


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Saw this thread earlier before I registered while randomly browsing the site and knew I had to reply to it.

Had my first kill myself earlier today while roaming in Cherno.

When I first entered Cherno it seemed pretty quiet and things were going smoothly until I started hearing gunshots near the taller factories. Knew the shots were not towards me, and that I was severely lacking in good weaponry to defend myself if whoever it was noticed me, yet I still started heading in the direction of the shots to investigate. Turns out that the closer I approached, the more shots I heard, still not towards me. When I finally spotted the shooters, two of them, I noticed two things: That one of them had pretty decent weapons and that it seemed they were shooting players on sight. I managed to circle around the bottom of the factory when one of the guys falls over the edge and a few feet in front of me. It startled me as I was not expecting it. I approached the body thinking it was dead until I approached and realized that they were only unconscious. Self-assured that both of them were bandits, I put one round of my silenced M9 through his head and took his gear. Wasn't the guy with the decent weapon, just some small but useful supplies, so I started to sneak up on the other one. What do you know, some how that one is dead by the time I get up on the roof. Noticed he had a shotgun and quickly took it and left before anyone noticed.

Was pretty fun, first encounter with PvP (sort of) :P

Edited by CS14

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