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Error #44

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Immediately after the updates I downloaded yesterday, whenever I try to run any server I get two error messages, then my game loads up the Arma 2 screen, then I can't play. The first of the error messages is: 'bin\config.bin/Cfgweapons/AK_107_GL_pso/burst/' is not a value

The second error message says something about error #44. I have heard of error #45 but never this. Up until last night I never had any problems besides initially getting the game. It's a little frustrating and I would really like someone to tell me if it is something I can fix, or just something like a problem with the update. Thanks

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We are having the same issue with our server and have yet to find a solution.

Players have been able to load right in the fist time they connect after updating their game. Once they log out and try to return they receive the #44 error.

As a temporary fix re-installing the Arma2 patch we found we could get in again 1x but once leaving the same issue occurred.

I have been searching for a more permanent solution without luck.

Please post if you figure it out!

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i get constantly kicked from some servers by script restiction 40 or 44. strange thing i was on one server already, where i get kicked now. anyone know if there is a solution for it?

Edited by Magicx

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I got the same problem: script restriction #44 whenever i try to join a server trough "play with six".

And i can't join a server trough dayzcommander since i'm unable to update anything.

Here is the error message when i try to update anything on dayzcommander:

Failed: System.Net.WebException: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occured on a received. ---> System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from transport connection: A existing connection must have been shut by the distant host

at System.Net.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags)

at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer,Int32 offset, Int32 Size)

--- End of inner exception stack trace ---

at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)

at System.Net.PooledStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)

at System.Net.Connection.SyncRead(httpWebRequest request, Boolean userretreivedStream, Boolean probeRead)

--- End of inner exception stack trace ---

at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()

at DotJosh.Dayzcommander.App.Core.ModInstaller.DownloadAndExtract()

(the part "A existing connection must have been shut by distant host" is in french since im in France and is cut at dist but i guess it says distant)

I've seen on the dayzcommander forum that someone had the same problem and that the issue could be the port 21 blocked somehow.

I tryed reinstalling dayz commander, updating with windows firewall off and avast off aswell, I've tryed also to unblock port 21 and 20 trough the firewall but none of those option works.

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I got the same problem: script restriction #44 whenever i try to join a server trough "play with six".

And i can't join a server trough dayzcommander since i'm unable to update anything.

If you have a pop up error Script Restritstion you should delete the folder "ArmA 2 OA" in "C:\Users\#username#\AppData\Local\", and doing it before of each entry on the server.

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Hey guys I ended up just rollbacking and it fixed the problem....for a couple days. Now I'm about to post another topic about how I get stuck on "wait for host" DayZ is really irritating me right now..

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