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Will trade for vehicle.

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To anybody and everybody out there, I have a proposal to whomever is willing to listen.

I've been playing for a long time on a server, which is to say US 312 Phoenix. I have a lot of my stuff stashed there, but I haven't found a single vehicle to date!! If anybody can find me a vehicle to trade with, I'm willing to give up almost anything that I have, such as a Bizon SD, M104, M249 SAW, MK 48 Mod 0, Ghillies suit, FN FAL, NVG's, and more. All the weapons I'm putting forth have ammo with them.

Please respond if you know where vehicles are in this server or are willing to trade for one that you found! Thank you.

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What would you like in exchange for the MK + M249

Edited by TMW Se7eN

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Primarily, I've been looking for something as simple as an ATV or even a Skoda, but I've been keeping my eye open for the big ones, like the UAZ and the Mi-17. If you could come up with an ATV or similar, I'll give you the M249 SAW. If you come up with a UAZ or something similar, I'll also throw in the MK Mod 0. Sound fair?

Edited by Assassin8813

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By the way, I'm going to have to get back to you on that trade, because I just got killed by a hacker twice when he used a server-wide kill switch. You can see my sad story here.


I'm pretty sure that my gear is all safe in my tents, since this gay ass hacker obviously didn't even go for loot, just for trolling kills, but he may have done more than simply kill me. So I will have to get back to you.

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Hey man, I'm not interested in that trade anymore, because I left the server that I used to play on. Not only is there not a single vehicle on the map, but it just deleted all my tents with each server reset, so I'm done with that bullshit server. Sorry.

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