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splinter2k Upgrade . . . all Tents and Vehicles Missing

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I host a server from HFB and I have the standard package. I upgraded the server to and when I restarted the server all of the deployed tents and vehicles are gone. Needless to say, I have a bunch of unhappy players.

I opened a support ticket with HFB, but they indicated that with the standard package, they have no control over the hive.

Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you,


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Yes there is issues with vehicles and tents it seems, My personal server on my dedi for some mates of mine lost all there tents, And as they said no server host has control over the official hive.

Edited by bloodbullet

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Worth noting its hit and miss as I play on 3 different servers, 2 of which got reset it seems. Mine included, from what I have seen there is no issue on private servers so it seems possibly the hive db just got corrupt or reset or something.

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I am having the Same issue, When i coppied over the new @Hive files, I load into my server with just what i had on me, No Vehicles or tents posted to the SQL at all, not even the standard brand new Mission SQL chat.

However, when i copy and replace the old @hive .pbo file all of my stuff shows back up in the SQL chat. Even tho these are showing back up, i am not seeing any of the new vehicles and I cannot load into my server.

I am running US 4275. i Have tried manually upgrading from to and also using DayZ commander just to see if i did something wrong.

As of right now i was able to roll her back to with no issue and all vehicles and tents are accounted for.

It seems to be a hive issue, or along thos lines. all that i know is that when i use the previous DayZ_Server.pbo file all my stuff is there but cannot connect. Using the new .pbo file. Nothing exists at all....


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Ok, I was able to revert back to and all equipment, vehicles and tents are back. I'm gonna sit tight until we get an official response regarding this issue. I hate to see my regular players lose everything.

Thanks to all who verified the same issue.


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We are looking into this issues. I've started a new server full download of all files and started the game and got all the vehicles. Im getting the list of vehicles without any issues at all on the official server.

We need to see the .rpt log to see whats going on with your server.

My guess you don't have the newest mission file

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We are looking into this issues. I've started a new server full download of all files and started the game and got all the vehicles. Im getting the list of vehicles without any issues at all on the official server.

We need to see the .rpt log to see whats going on with your server.

My guess you don't have the newest mission file

Hi, today i noticed that my regular server had updated to the new version and whaddayaknow, camp and vehicles gone. My questions is, do you think this can be fixed globally? Or does the server admin have to do it manually on each server?

I ask this because i don't know any admin on my server (main hive) and i'm not sure if it is actively monitored other then the mod and game updates.

It is up to a possible fix if i move servers or not.

Thanks for any info.

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We are looking into this issues. I've started a new server full download of all files and started the game and got all the vehicles. Im getting the list of vehicles without any issues at all on the official server.

We need to see the .rpt log to see whats going on with your server.

My guess you don't have the newest mission file

Can we send this somewhere if necessary? Or just upload it somewhere with a direct link...?

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mine also guys on uk 367

all bag stuff is still here thou so i know its connecting to the hive ok

just tents and cars gone and not sure yet if cars are even spawning

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Quick update:

HFB notified me that a new version of the update was available in their updates section. I installed the new version and everything is working well now.



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So where can people who do not use HFB servers find this magic update?

We use a NFO server to host our server and was having the same issues as OP. If there is another type of fix or someone somewhere that can host this update/fix on a cloud so other people can access it that would be great.


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Please can we get a fix for this ? On my server we just repaired a chopper, it took us 2 days to repair it. We lost 2 tents and 2 cars ?

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So where can people who do not use HFB servers find this magic update?

We use a NFO server to host our server and was having the same issues as OP. If there is another type of fix or someone somewhere that can host this update/fix on a cloud so other people can access it that would be great.


but this is what i have installed and yet the hive does not update the tents or cars

Edited by 8bitgamers.co.uk

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Small update on our situation (UK498). All the tents are still there and apparently the newly added Humvee and the new H6J helicopter spawned, but all the other 'old' vehicles are still missing. We checked the logs and we checked ingame and verified the 2 new vehicles are there and they are... Any ideas why the old vehicles disappeared and arent spawning anymore?

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What i did is update to i downloaded the new mission file from http://www.silentspy...sion-generator/ and my game works, all old vehicles and tents are there.

However, we have not seen the new Humvee and heli spawn yet.... heli crashes are working. reloading the hewey kicks you with script restriction #110...... so many bugs.

not as smooth as an update as i figured it would be.

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What i did is update to i downloaded the new mission file from http://www.silentspy...sion-generator/ and my game works, all old vehicles and tents are there.

However, we have not seen the new Humvee and heli spawn yet.... heli crashes are working. reloading the hewey kicks you with script restriction #110...... so many bugs.

not as smooth as an update as i figured it would be.

Used the same silentspy link to generate a new mision file. This gave us 2 vehicles, but the rest is still gone... Havent been able to try reloading heli guns yet :) :)

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