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[Legion] Sorting this all out

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Darkwolf' date=' are you allowed to add your own scripts? Has permission been sought from the DayZ dev's to modify their files to add this script? As with any mod, I'm sure it would be in the best of respect to ask if you can do these things, but they may not allow you since the mod is in such an early stage.

Rocket has stated in a previous thread regarding Legion that he is against kicking for clan-members.

While some of the posts on this thread show that Legion may be willing to try and resolve the issues, others made by members of your clan do not show a change in stance. One of your members states that you will only be kicking for Admins now, yet you have changed that into you will be kicking for members/donators when you can add the script. Also, in another thread, Chaos stated that Legion will no longer be kicking for members.

You need to come up with something and stick to it, instead of changing it from one day to the next.



Running a clan server that data shares with all other servers is too exploitable to continue for long.

Player kick is an end run at passwording a server.

Saying, 'we only kick for admin spots.' then not doing it?

Now saying, 'only guys who pay.'

Will anyone be suprised when Legion can no longer host?

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As of now we are only kicking to make room for an admin, either myself, chaos or t.chu. I think its reasonable to have one of our admins on our servers to insure that things are running smoothly. I dont really see why theres a huge issue on this.

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Nomad, a suggestion. Considering that you require an admin to be on in order to kick someone to make room for an admin, you already have admins online, hence the need to get an admin online is... questionable.

Honestly, I cannot see any reason for urgently replacing an admin - if there is active abuse, then the admin already online should be able to handle it. If there is not active abuse, the server should be doing fine for the period of time it takes for an admin to log on the usual way.

Your clan has a PR nightmare right now, deserved or undeserved. One of the key points of the PR nightmare is player kicking. Maintaining a stance where you're still discussing the situations where you'll kick players is not helping your cause. Few, if any of the other server admins are currently discussing their player kicking policies, and as such do not cause unnecessary drama. Your clan is the only one that does this.

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Nomad' pid='13404' dateline='1336571922']

As of now we are only kicking to make room for an admin' date=' either myself, chaos or t.chu. I think its reasonable to have one of our admins on our servers to insure that things are running smoothly. I dont really see why theres a huge issue on this.


Part of the problem with that for me is that your members are quite capable of informing you if the server is having an issue, if it badly needs someone logged in to resolve it then one of your guys should have no problem dropping out for 30 seconds while it's done as the server would be restarted anyway and they'd get straight back in, I really don't see the need to kick someone anyway, I don't think I've ever had to wait more that 5 minutes to get into ANY server.

I think the issue with the hate is that you have power over people and that parts of your clan have shown that they aren't mature enough to handle it. My dayz experience has been pretty mellow so far on every server EXCEPT yours, it's a great server and some of you seem like great people to play with but it's hard NOT to be suspicious when some of your members act like 14 year olds.

Some of your guys are pretty chill and are up for a laugh but on the other hand some of them aren't, for example:

I was murdered last week (no problem with that, got careless), I spawned 100m away, ran back and looted myself and then found one of your guys fighting off the zombies he attracted while killing me... i snipe him and (stupidly) head out to check his gear only to be sniped again myself and then have 2-3 of your members bitch at me for banditing and "stealing" his gear... it's a little hard to defend yourself against any accusations or mention that it's a part of the game when someone can just say "this is our server", even if threats aren't directly made it's not hard to make a person feel like their gaming experience is insecure just by the nature of the situation.

I also didn't enjoy the time I was told "you're a bad, you should go kill yourself faggot".

Perhaps just explaining to your members that they're expected to act civil just like everyone else is a start (though I gather you've already done that since this thread was made), I'm sure the knowledge that there's an entire community out there willing and able to screenshot and post problems is policing enough.

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Rest Assured, sir, we are trimming our roster of less than desired people, and this sort of ass hattery will not continue, i apologize for the rough talk from that member... if you could give me his name, i will take care of it!



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The issues of maturity are already in the works of being fixed, we are removing one member for their actions as of late. People are being reminded that just cause you wear the tag doesnt mean ur safe and can continue making poor decisions. I urge the community to be patient as we fix these issues and weed people out of legion. Nothing in this world is perfect and without issues that need to be fixed. If someone has an issue on one of our servers (ATL 1-4), please send me a pm on the forum and i will deal with the issue personally.


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Hi guys, as Rocket said in another post. This is the home of the developers. We do and will always have people exploiting the system. It's good to discuss this in the forums, even better to send through evidence. But please remember that this is OUR HOME. You are all guests here. If you want to have a bean-war and sling shit at each other, go to Cherno and fight it out. But please keep the forums constructive. We (the staff) are not going to get embroiled in this. We will deal with any evidence presented through the email. But we would appreciate it if hate threads weren't clogging up the forums

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Just sayin, im not gonna read through all these pages.. But yeah, i once witness a Legion member who claimed he owned the server, so he told this bandit, who had him zeroed in with a CZ, that he would kick him, if he killed him. All i saw.

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Just sayin' date=' im not gonna read through all these pages.. But yeah, i once witness a Legion member who claimed he owned the server, so he told this bandit, who had him zeroed in with a CZ, that he would kick him, if he killed him. All i saw.


Got Chat Transcript? Maybe screenshot, any kind of evidence at all?

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I personally have never had problems with anyone at Legion. However, I have never confronted one of them in a PvP situation, but my first time EVER on one of their servers, I saw:

"Kicking player to make room for admin"

not too long after I saw:

"Alex, find a safe place"

And finally I saw:

"Alex was kicked: To make room for admin"

To me, that is how things should work, I saw no problem with that. They told everyone what they were about to do, they chose someone (at random? I dont know) and gave them time to prepaire for their next re-connect, and finally, kicked him with a public message to all users to make sure everyone knew. I havent had problems with them, and I play on US1 all the time (I think they run that...) so for me, no complaints here.

What I do find odd, is that there are people with so many complaints, that tells me there MAY be a problem, and hopefully they get it sorted out.

Now... a clan that IS full of a bunch of pricks... *cough* "[TheGang]" *cough* is an entirely different story... ;)

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Look, i'm going to just say what a massive chunk of players already know of Legion (Including myself)

Legion are a lot of kick-happy guys who act all superior and elitist over everyone, thinking theyre 'the bees-knees' and clearly have some power-trippers and people that have a finely attuned and immense sense of 'entitlement'.

Legion have successfully become the laughing stock of DayZ (well-done guys).

Myself and all friends will never join Legion servers, at any costs. Even if we want to play SO bad and the only servers are legion with empty slots, we wont join (there's over 40 of us)..

Personally, Legion has developed an irreversible reputation, sure there are some GOOD scenarios and instances, but the fact they kick people for killing them, and not even because it was 'just to kill someone' is just pathetic. The bad outweighs the good 100-1.

Legion should just disband and save the community the trouble of facedesking at how low-grade the clan or whatever it is has become.

I mean no personal offence or anything, just sharing my opinions and my friends views, and i mean, you just cant help but see it, every server talks about legion and how bad they are.. Ive never honestly seen a positive comment about legion, and believe me, i've looked and prodded.

My two cents, and i'm sure the dollars are racking up. My god, are they racking up.

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Look' date=' i'm going to just say what a massive chunk of players already know of Legion (Including myself)

Legion are a lot of kick-happy guys who act all superior and elitist over everyone, thinking theyre 'the bees-knees' and clearly have some power-trippers and people that have a finely attuned and immense sense of 'entitlement'.

Legion have successfully become the laughing stock of DayZ (well-done guys).

Myself and all friends will never join Legion servers, at any costs. Even if we want to play SO bad and the only servers are legion with empty slots, we wont join (there's over 40 of us)..

Personally, Legion has developed an irreversible reputation, sure there are some GOOD scenarios and instances, but the fact they kick people for killing them, and not even because it was 'just to kill someone' is just pathetic. The bad outweighs the good 100-1.

Legion should just disband and save the community the trouble of facedesking at how low-grade the clan or whatever it is has become.

I mean no personal offence or anything, just sharing my opinions and my friends views, and i mean, you just cant help but see it, every server talks about legion and how bad they are.. Ive never honestly seen a positive comment about legion, and believe me, i've looked and prodded.

My two cents, and i'm sure the dollars are racking up. My god, are they racking up.


I went into Legions' ts last night at the behest of Darkwolf.

We had a very good conversation, really quite a nice guy.

He plainly stated that Legion is trying to repair their image.

But I said quite frankly, I don't know if it can be repaired. I myself have gone into other servers and noticed that everytime anyone talks about Legion it is a negative comment.

That's pretty bad.

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I point out to people that complained after my last comment "pics or it didn't happen" its exceptionally difficult to make an informed decision off heresay please don't keep saying things without evidence to back it up.

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I had to sign up just to throw my nonsense into this thread.

Who cares about this guild, or clan, or whatever it is? Just stop playing on their server, and don't join their clan. Then they won't have any power over you.

When a clan rents a server, they have the right to do whatever they want on it. You also have choices, to play on it and be subjected to their power trips, or to not. Clearly, the leadership of this clan is inexperienced, or desperate for members. I don't know any of their clan members, but I saw Danthegreat post with LEGION tags, so I can tell you truthfully and outright - their recruitment standards are low. I've seen this guy play on other mods, and I'd never join any organization that encourages people of such mental immaturity to represent them.

This clan will die out with time, and likely sooner rather than later. It doesnt have a reputation for being talented, or anything positive. It has a reputation for being complete douches to other players on their servers, as well as on their forums - so I'll display no love lost when it declines into oblivion.

Organizations that host mods on their server (all youre doing is hosting someone elses work, not yours) tend to feel they are more entitled to abuse other players. Trust me, they don't last long. People who play on their server don't play on their server because it's a LEGION server, they play on the server because it's just another server. There are plenty of options, and you should utilize them.

This is somewhat reminiscent of Tonic's WASTELAND mod. The guy was a complete asshole to his playerbase. Abusing them verbally, and in chat. As well as spawning himself various equipment and vehicles and using them in a manner against other players. I assure you, if there was a feasible alternative to his server, he would have lost a substantial number of players with the exception of his close friends who were rewarded for their companionship. I've personally encountered his "right to do whatever he wants on his server" and it did influence me, in that I no longer found it enjoyable to invest my time on his server. I assure you, I'm not the only one influenced by the actions by people who are granted the slightest exertion of power over someone else.

The hard truth is, if you're a dick, or the people are representing you are dicks - people remember this. It's a small community, and it only takes one offense to ruin your reputation board-wide.

I've never had a problem with legion myself, because I dont play on their servers - but judging by my post, do you see what I refer to by how your reputation carries?

It's their money being wasted hosting a server. It was your money you wasted on purchasing the game. They have their rights, and you have yours. I'm sure there are servers who are administered without prejudice as to which clan you belong to, and you have the ability to choose those servers over the ones that have no respect for it's players.

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Nomad' pid='13404' dateline='1336571922']

As of now we are only kicking to make room for an admin' date=' either myself, chaos or t.chu. I think its reasonable to have one of our admins on our servers to insure that things are running smoothly. I dont really see why theres a huge issue on this.


This is Server Hosting 101 here, but it's absolutely not necessary to do this. I use this at Chicago 1, and I know Impulse uses it over at the UO servers:

ArmA 2 RCon GUI

This allows you to do all you need without kicking to make a slot for yourself. I'm fully able to administrate the server with the RCon GUI, including monitoring chats, complaints, administer kicks and bans for trouble players, all without needing to kick one of my players to make room for myself, which I have never needed to do.

It's unfortunate enough when cfgdayz spits out a kick message at random for players who've done nothing wrong, I don't need me actively doing this myself to my players to administer my servers.

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I'm closing this thread before it devolves into another shit fest.

@D4rkWolf: I respect what you tried to do here and hopefully some of the posts in this thread will continue to make your PR mission better. However I highly recommend you either post a PR contact email and/or link to the appropriate Legion forums in another thread or at least include them in your forum signature.


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