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observation/ suggestions on newest patch/hotfix

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Disclaimer: this kind of turned into a text wall (sorry) just skim the first line of each section and you should be able to decide if you want to read that part. Also has bullets at the bottom

Just a few notes after playing for like the last 9 hours.

This is a shit ton of fun again, however the starter gear is a bit too little, at least one food and a canteen (even if it's empty) should be there.

Food items are most definitely not spawning anywhere at all, and there's a pretty massive bug where gutting a carcass doesn't activate the gear option.

Drink items; cans of pop, full canteens, empty canteens, are SUPER rare, my group of 9 found more mt dew than anything else combined, and the only reason we're not all dead is because one of us stumbled upon [MISC] tent city right outside of the cherno construction yard (really? toolbags) and stole a half dozen canteens for us.

There seems to be some problem with the hive properly recording where you log out, all items are current, but the location is about 5-10 mins earlier.

Loot spawns, when they are "working" can really fuck you over, we found a heli crash, saw a sick weapon, once we cleared the last zombie, loot respawned and it got replaced with an akm (and no this isn't a case of mistaken identity, we had 6 different verifications from a distance on it being a high tier weapon, whether it was a barrett or heavy machine gun is up for debate still. But i was literally 5m away and watched it slip through my fingers while someone took out the last zombie.

Maybe add a player proximity check to the respawn line? also would stop camping loot spawns.

There is no such thing as a subsonic 9x19mm round. I know it's been harped about a million times, and it's an issue with vanilla arma and how you determine aggro radius, but m9 sd and mp5 sd clips are so ungody rare to begin with that it really does need to be addressed.

So I hear 200 round 249 boxes can be refilled with stanag? Awesome, I assume this applies to the 100 round 240 boxes with DMR mags as well? And most importantly, I hope this is a precursor to ammo boxes for each type, that can be used to store ammo, and refill clips.

Because there's nothing more off putting for a shotgun after it's limited range and non existent distance aiming mechanisms than the fact that 80 rounds takes up 10 slots, thats a full 1/4 - 1/3 of most player's storage.

Now onto these new zombie attack animations... they look awesome, except the hopper's movement, wtf is that shit I thought they were supposed to be debilitated by the infection? But they make it practically impossible to get a head shot. combine that with the 90%+ chance of getting bleeding effects from one hit from these spazzed out crack fiends and you have the absolutely impossible task of surviving once you leave the proximity of medical supplies (cherno, elektro, berenzino)

Also, with the increased damage of the infected, and the high probability of bleeding, you may want to shorten the time it takes to apply a bandage.

People still server hop inside the barracks? some idiot spawned in with a ghillie suit, a m9 sd and a mp5sd and my 1014 barrel in his chest and and his pistol to the back of my friends head... guess how that ended lol. Seconds after we left, some dumbass spawned in just outside the door with an m240... he didn't have a chance either.

This portion is just to say, stop being that scum bag trying to get the drop on the loot, because if you log in and don't get shit stomped, you have a chance to clear it, and noone wants that.

And jesus tapdancing christ, I've never seen the bean wars rage so hard since last month. But I guess we need a new name for them since there is no food anywhere at all unless you get lucky and the gutting script works properly.

Finally beta patch is required! AT least now your alpha testers have to have basic knowledge of how to use this stuff, hopefully it helps keep some of the trolls and dumbasses at bay while useful people provide constructive criticism and feedback.

Also can you make the removal of side chat a standard? Like really please?

What happened to infected being near blind and having super acute hearing and smell? Now they can see really well? Don't get me wrong, I love they way they act right now, but let's try and have some consistency in the lore.

Low humanity heart beat is way too loud and Low Frequency.

Bullet points

- I like the no weapon starter, and hiding is perfect

- food spawn is busted, and gutting is glitched

- drink spawn seems way too low

- hive isn't recording DC position right

- loot spawns may need a proximity check that stops the respawn timer

- bleeding from zombie hits way too much (seems bandage spawn way down as well?)

- (personal preference) zombie heads are way to twitchy in the new attack anims

- 9x19mm sd does not exist

- I hope large quantity ammo storage is on its way (I'll volunteer my time to find out how much of each type will fit into the standard ammo box if it will help get this feature added)

- stop server hopping for loot inside the barracks, you're scumbags, and you'll die more often than you get the drop on people, because they're rolling squad deep these dayz

- if the no starting weapon and lack of supplies was meant to curb the coast pvp, it did the exact opposite. people are super fucking protective of their gear once they find it now.

- Beta patch is FINALLY required! thank god(Rocket)!

- It takes a total of 5 minutes before you will remember how obnoxious and infuriating side chat was on a pop server... (Friendly in Cherno? L O L not fucking likely!)

- Infected senses contradiction.

- Humanity heartbeat needs tweaked for volume/ frequency, it's almost deafening if you have a decent bass and the ambient sound turned up to hear other things around you.

more to come as I remember it.

END (for now)

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