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battle eye intialization failed

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four hours after downloading off steam, all the combined opporations pack, then downloading dayz commander, then finding you need to run steam in admin to get over a serial code does not work error, i now get "battle eye intialization failed" and wont load any server,help please i just want to play the bloody game

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Dude. No need to make a thread for each single issue you are having. Just stick to one thread and give people the details of exactly what your problem is so they can try and help. Remember to be patient, this is not customer support, people will help you if they choose to, sometimes you have to wait for an answer.

Edited by Fraggle

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ok mate, but you know how it is, just want to get on and play :)

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I know, it can be really frustrating. TBH if you're getting the BE warning then you're nearly there. You've chosen a bad day to install too because a new patch has been released meaning that all of the servers are updating to the current version, which can take a few hours at least to sort out and can cause a few issues. I'm off for a bit now but if nobodies sorted you out when I come back later I'll send someone your way that'll get you up and running.

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Make sure you stay in the lobby long enough to give battleye the time to do what it needs to do. If you attempt to play the game before battleye has updated, and successfully restarted then it will happen. At least thats the case when I started playing. I waited for several minutes in the lobby to no reply from battleye, would attempt to play, and it would kick me out a bit later because I didn't let the battleye download and install a small update, then restart (all happens while in the lobby, prior to joining into a game)

Not saying thats your issue, but I had to wait 5 minutes or so.

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in the steam library you should get an option to reinstall battle eye either by choosing to run arma II only or right clicking arma II

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I dont see anywhere in library to Re-install battle eye, let alone anything to do with battle eye??? Still cant play Dayz

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