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health system again >:(

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hi i know i should have use search but i won't because i don't want to right now.

face it right now blood ís basicly healthpoints here is how i would go for health system intead of blood points what aboul blood would be in prosents ofcource you won't see it how much you have lost and it will be shown visualy as rocket has mentioned this.

also there should be al kinds of thing you can die on right now you can die only from blood lost which is not realistic. meaby someone hits you in the head with baseball bat you can get head trauma some zombie scratches you and it tear your flesh out. you get idea and if your bones break you won't be crawling if its just one leg you still have one founctioning leg why wont you use it it hurts as fuck but you have to treat it.

meaby someone stabs you with screwdriver in the lungs well you are fucked unless you treat it also aperently acording dayz logic humans don't have bone marrow or all players have leukemia and about broken bones you have to treat it realisticly no morphine you also have to wait it to heal you can move but you will start limbing unless you use morphine or painkiller morphine is better and you can it overdosed.

if your hand breaks you will be less accurate with weapons. this can make anything a weapon even the pencil. you can be even decapiteted well you die if its a head brutal i know and i don't enjoy from the gore. so basicly realistic as possible.

Edited by Tumoa

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Don't they have punctuation in Finland?

Until we start getting reports in form the closed testing, we have no idea what the full DayZ medical system has in store for us.

I think it goes without saying, it's going to be more advanced than the system we've seen in the mod.

Edited by Chabowski

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Paragraphs paragraphs paragraphs paragraphs Y U NO use the ENTER key?

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i hope its grammar is fixed now sorry for my dyslexia

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