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EU21 false positive

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Hey guys,

during my ban rampage I banned some innocent dudes due to a script I classified as illegal by mistake/bad knowledge. After research with Tansien I came to the conclusion that this particular script is legal. Of course everyone getting banned due to this mistake will be unbanned now. I apologise to every player being innocent for the trouble caused by this mistakes. Further I demand every Serverhost banning based on my pillory to unban the innocent.

In names:

Arche - 42d679aea35b097d433070de87cc9573

IISwede - 0c6859951f7f94739c0ee7a6ead2a9a8

[GL]PerfektTM[18] - e19e10933a11e03cb61cab55d14e89e7

Azimov - d5ffc7a49ed2917e8442cab22e2a7d20

Ben - 45c9f5f2beec744be1abd2e53131d42e

RuthlesS - 1a433fa3886cb065aaa0e898293d4388

[GL]Istwood[3] - 89765defbdd55b3cfeed7b36842e2f8f

kotorez - e8bd954d2ce22c8a25f907ec9306ef97

Silent.Line_UKR_ - bae7c8a72f115396e0e838a3aa608079

Hunter - 75612c8ca02759fb9a2fa5e4f2a8464f

Kasi - 6ab0b189d730eac825f00786bc98ad91

MoonMagic - 3cdaefb6d4ebe6e5a439c9c46978cf1d

Kenny - 9a407fe7ddd2014d1c0a82c3def18294

Tschippko - c7568807f7a587d446720e5e547e7570

thimm - 4fc50f2c036c6c7480dd242786159c4d

wars2 - 438e418bbd88ebf7207d5f56f0242a85

RicePudding - b7f232912db02fc91668f1c689f67c9b

mib - fbcea671b9a8330b3901daa5b685d375

DIMCHERFER - 740cff46771f7a5e8cdf404c8f6f8c41

*K62* - 830f6acc841e50222fb076a1dabe946f

Fayes - 745d62c61824750905cdb94323f84ebc

Leon - f3cec3caee0713367068c47f76ccb926

Omen - e7cc60429c33938962d0232c5a2a6a61

ProZak - 204ef47ffb078957bf75138a0f14fdce

Ville - 19db66a392a964d004fb55d81266a263

{RotN}Reaper - 4407a5d9ce4af2539e6811cdbbad3df3

Grob - 8de403ef34092a8051f400a221e4d688

Timmi - 0af246193e92a1e281be4b8d5b502dc2

Helldesk - 6d2126ef9669680db094f3d4f047350c

Administrator - 2cb8eb9b68d5892d6c854ee7591d89ba

Spirit - 5f24788c5858a04b27b60f8d79fd9adb

KryZ - 61aedec2c12e8091dcec0ecd6d577dd0

Nigel - 173358195b278c7f15d098e81c7f4eff

Ghost_Maverick - 39426a3c15d04570bdceb91774bcb8f2

GetALife - 58765c5931edd248a23315c1707a5daf

StealthBR - 22144c3370ca72c8167efd1aacb014ff

Feddy - 635af471149ce4f7a9772f51eb65857f

LASTER - 3dfdf12361862c2e29bd60ea69cec82e

Jimbass - 4c105c3523d15d45b1ee2d261e66217b

SonicNinja - 5cc3e935fae20ee11d116947fd296596

Depresant - 3881ec61a78454e32cd2de0fee9cb562

Musya94 - 8d3a08498955a35dab3852118deaef31

Stanl1 - e02c696ffc51b8cb6a1c366799035598

Tactica1Sniper - fd946ec95a225f24199de2d28ee3a2ca

Never the less every remaining ban is legit! This poor innocents were most likely banned due to the fact that they used the Beta client on my non Beta Server, so I had no idea that these scripts where legal in fact the reference data I used was pre Beta. If anyone is having trouble getting unbanned on other servers contact me via PM and I will try to contact the owner of that specific server, I caused your trouble, I will recompense it.



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