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Admin control panels?

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I am looking for an admin control panel that I can install and run on a second screen. I host on HFB servers, so it would need to configurable to work with them, and would also need instructions or help on how to set it up (This is my first server, im teaching myself everything as I go along).

The features I would like to have available are the things I now do by tweaking the database - or sifting through the reports such as:

  • Live map showing players, deployables and vehicle positions. Ideally with alerts to catch vehicle/box spawing and teleporting.
  • Ability to easily spawn vehicles, i.e. a GUI on the above mentioned map, so I dont need to do math and find the DB coordinates.
  • Ability to look into players inventory - to promptly ban that fresh spawn with a golden AK.

I know how to do these things through my database, but after seeing the DayZ.ST Control panel I got jealous.


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I think the closest you will be able to get for an external tool is Silent Warriors Anti-Hack. I believe it does everything you're looking for. It's not free but it's a solid tool.


Edited by Matt - Vilayer

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