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Vets putting together a bandit crew !!!!

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Hi , We are Reforming DRZ , a bandit clan that plays on the Backinthedayz.ca Community ( whitelist private hive EAST COAST US / CAN ping ) , We focus on that very server and the server needs bandits to spice things up.. We are looking to add new faces to the group , we need Support / Medic and Scout role. We want to remain small scale so we will select the application case by case.

We ambush / raid high traffic area / road. We play bandits but we don't kill fresh spawn unless interfering with the objectives. We don't hang in the south unless we die and respawn , we are always in the north....surviving.

At the game state right now we will accept New players to form them so when the stand alone hits we are a "ready" team , but we mostly are looking for Veterans players.We own a private Ventrilo server as comm. system.

When we die we don't bitch , we start over and take revenge.

When ask to help , you do so.

Must have a "MIC"

Must be patient , good things comes when we least expect it !!!

DRZ Cherche Des Quebecois !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fill out this app , don't forget to include your steam name so we can get back to you !

Player name :

Steam name :

Age :

Game experience : (ex: Vet , rookie , ect ect.)

Role :

Fav. gun combo :

Where are you from :

Activity : ( ex: Casual , hardcore , active , ect ect )

Thnx / Merci

Edited by Alucardnasty
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Player name : Connor Vaughn

Steam name thefreeman001

Game experience : (ex: Vet , rookie , ect ect.) Vet

Fav. gun combo :M1911 with M16A1 or MP5

Where are you from :Ohio

Activity : ( ex: Casual , hardcore , active , ect ect )Hardcore, Active

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Player name : Samsung Admin

Steam name chronicsmack

Game experience : (ex: Vet , rookie , ect ect.) Vet

Role : Support, Medic, Sniper, Pilot

Fav. gun combo :M4A3 CCO, M9 SD, 2x Frag, 2x Satchel

Where are you from : United States of America, Illinois

Activity : ( ex: Casual , hardcore , active , ect ect ) Hardcore

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Player name : zynx33

Steam name zynx33

Game experience : (ex: Vet , rookie , ect ect.) veteran, playing since it had around 100,000 people

Role : Anything really, I prefer medium range engangements, with the lee enfield.

Fav. gun combo : For starting, lee enfield and m1911 for taking out zombies, high end gear probably DMR and m4 silenced.

Where are you from : united states, west coast.

Activity : ( ex: Casual , hardcore , active , ect ect ) Hardcore, and very active.

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Player name : Ian

Steam name TheoneandonlyIan

Game experience : (ex: Vet , rookie , ect ect.) Vet

Role : Scout, Pilot

Fav. gun combo :M9 SD Crossbow

Where are you from : Manila, Philipines

Activity : ( ex: Casual , hardcore , active , ect ect ) Hardcore

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Player name : Prominent Alex

Steam name Pciris

Game experience : (ex: Vet , rookie , ect ect.) Vet. Been playing since late April 300+ hours

Role : Driver, Assault, Scout, Sniper. I most commonly scout different locations looking for tents etc, and I enjoy camping a lot.

Fav. gun combo : Lee Enfield & AKM believe it or not.

Where are you from : USA

Activity : ( ex: Casual , hardcore , active , ect ect ) Hardcore Active

Been looking for a clan for quite sometime and been wanting to join one.

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check your steam Alex !

Ian , im not sure your time zone is gonna match ours as we all live in america's and mostly east coast , get back to me on that plz !

Edited by Alucardnasty

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  On 2/4/2013 at 8:08 PM, Alucardnasty said:

check your steam Alex !

Ian , im not sure your time zone is gonna match ours as we all live in america's and mostly east coast , get back to me on that plz !

Appreciate it buddy! Just got the message and just got on Steam now.

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Player name :Novah

Steam name :steadiedaim

Age :17

Game experience : (ex: Vet , rookie , ect ect.) Veteran been playing for like 9 months

Role :Sniper, Assault,Pilot

Fav. gun combo :M4A1 CCO SD, M9SD,M40A3, and 2 frags

Where are you from :United States, New York

Activity : ( ex: Casual , hardcore , active , ect ect ) Hardcore

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Player name : Moose

Steam name : Moose2949

Age : 22

Game experience : I'm expert on the Chernarus map and locations of (I can navigate all of chernarus' roads without a map/compass/GPS) I'm an intermediate sniper and an intermediate to advanced assault and pilot

Role : Assault/Pilot/Support

Fav. gun combo : M4A3 CCO/G17/M24

Where are you from : US East

Activity : 4+ nights a week and weekends. I work retail hours.

Message me on forums as I'm posting on my mobile from work. I'm interested.

Edited by Moose12

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Player name : That Guy Named Q

Steam name :That Guy Named Q

Game experience : (ex: Vet , rookie , ect ect.) Vet

Role : I am usually taking a role of over-viewing an area before my squad enters it, to ensure safety. Also in the event of a fight I do move up for a close shot and to cover friends if needed.

Fav. gun combo : DMR, M9SD.. I rather use my backpack slots for other items such as medical supplies, food, vehic parts, etc.

Where are you from :US East

Activity : ( ex: Casual , hardcore , active , ect ect ) Like to joke around in-game but when we get down to it, I get serious. Very active.

Lately my usual group of players has been cooling down on DayZ and moving on to to other games, although I want to continue playing, my reason for applying. Thanks much, hope to see you guys in game soon.

Edited by ThatGuyNamedQ

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Player name : humanplus

Steam name :humanplusproject

Age :32

Game experience : (ex: Vet , rookie , ect ect.) rookie, been playing for a few months

Role :scout, I assume will be a sniper type. Will also be support.

Fav. gun combo : m107 and a m9sd or M1A3 CCO with m9sd

Where are you from : North Dakota, USA

Activity : ( ex: Casual , hardcore , active , ect ect ) Active sometimes on the hardcore side.

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Hi guys,

If your looking for a server to play on why not come to 116ths server... we currently have an average of 20-30 players where 2 clans are at war with normal survivors/bandits still join and prefer not to be in either of the 2 sides armies (which is really good giving randomness and diversity )

Plenty of crash sites

Plenty of choppers

Lots of vehicles (300)

We play on the taviana map and have whitelisting in place (which means we are 99.5% hacker free )

Come give it a try and see what you think....

The 2 armies (clans) have an agreement that we each have a base and are not allowed to attac or raid them but if your a normal survivor/bandit in a small group there is nothing against YOU doing so.... Or you could form your own army group with a small safe zone...details of server

Hope to see some whitelisting requests from you guys.

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Player name : Darsh

Steam name : Darsh

Age : 24

Game experience : Vet. Playing since 6/2012

Role : support fire (not sniper though), scout, scavenger, pilot, driver

Fav. gun combo :M4A3 CC0, PDW or m1911

Where are you from : U.S.-California

Activity : Active player.

Contact me on the forums if you cannot find me on Steam. I've been told there are many Darsh's on Steam.

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Player name : KnifeToMeetYou

Steam name : Evilgrasshoppar

Age : 25

Game experience : (ex: Vet , rookie , ect ect.) I've got about a month under my belt. I can use all vehicles except planes (haven't tried those since I play chernaurus usually). I'd say Vet since I have gotten to the point where the only things I look for are pvp fights.

Role : I tend to fall into leadership roles, but I usually play as a front man in fights. I can play most any role though.

Fav. gun combo : I like the m1911 and lee enfield to start off, I then build up to an M14aim and most any LMG

Where are you from : Dallas TX

Activity : ( ex: Casual , hardcore , active , ect ect ) Active. I play evenings from 7pm central- ~2am

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