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recuiting squad members for elite

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This is a recuitment for new members for a squad named elite we have 6-15 members but we need more members.

Classes in need:





Also fill out the application below


How old are you:

Time zone GMT:

How long have you been playing dayZ:

Why do you want to join Elite?:

Skype: Also must have working mic

Edited by ninjaXmonkey117

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Classes in need:

Sniper [x]




Also fill out the application below

Name: Connor Vaughn

How old are you: 19

Time zone GMT: Im available almost every day.

How long have you been playing dayZ:since it came out. And Im familiar with the arma engine as well.

Why do you want to join Elite?:To be Elite

Skype: Connor.vaughn (I would prefer to add you since people usually have trouble finding me)

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Classes in need:





Also fill out the application below

Name:Matt Fraser

How old are you:16(mature)

Time zone GMT:GMT, on very often

How long have you been playing dayZ:Couple of weeks after release

Why do you want to join Elite?:Looking for a squad to play with.


Edited by SecretlyToasty

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Toasty I have added you on skype and conner my skype is ninjaXmonkey117

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How old are you: 14

Time zone GMT: GMT

How long have you been playing dayZ: Month after release

Why do you want to join Elite?: Looking for a group

Skype: steelbruh

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