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Stupid Bugs

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Man this makes me sick.

I know its the alpha version but i think that are basic bugs which shouldnt be there...........

Me and my bro, walking through forest for hours. Having good gear already. Walking thorugh a door-> he died without a reason. Maybe the door was "too tight". He was dead instantly.

After that i was on my own head to the coast......

found a chopper and a player who has been killed. looted him and i was max geared. One zombie hit me once i had 6000 blood no pain or broken legs but i fainted instant. Didnt even hear that zombie. He onehitted me.

Now i played an hour. Farmed some cities. Logged out, logging in and this is what i see with 11000+ blood:



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not happend to me yet but seen a few ppl get pwned this way.

at some point everyone is gonna run into a bug. not everyone reports it tho.

thread should probly be moved to #Bug Reports

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You were probably in pain (shaky screen in first person camera, aka the real camera view) when you logged out, which means, when you return you will wait for...ages to stand up and continue your pathetic surviving attempt just to die few minutes later.

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I have had it where I am full health, log out under a tree prone. Log back in to a 4 minute unconscious time lying on back staring at a blurry tree. I'm definitely not a morning person :D

You did say the magic word in the first post though: alpha. It'll get fixed eventually.

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I had something similar where I would log in, and always be 9313 health, no matter if I took dmg or ate food to max out my health.

Later on, after I got knocked out, the same thing started happening with knock outs. Everytime I logged on I would lay there unconcious for a couple of minutes.

A friend of mine was permanently stuck at 3000+ health each time he logged on, no matter how many meats he ate.

He eventually fixed it by downgrading to 1.7.0, going to a 1.7 server. Eating. Then upgraded to 1.7.1

I didnt try it with the KO problem I was having. But it might work. Also haven't tried it since (maybe they fixed something in the hotfix)

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yeah funny thing and cool to hear that im not the only person.^^

lets hope it will get better soon

good luck with loot ;)

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