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Anti-Bandit Hunting

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This is not a stab at bandits, on the contrary I quite enjoy the realistic feel of human on human violence in a situation like this, this thread is more about people's exploits as someone whom goes out of their way to kill killers. I find it a more challenging prey than just sneaking up on someone in the woods and blasting their grey matter all over the woodland floor without them knowing a single thing. No the men and women I hunt, they live a life thinking they are the predator, not the prey.

I'll start with one of my favorites: Recently with the new ability to lose tailing zombies, I've taken to picking out a deft assassin, one whom has killed many fawns in the streets of Cherno or Elektro. I stalk him silently, keeping out of eyesight, but learning his movements. When the time comes, such as a supply run for ammo, looting a fresh kill, or simply changing shooting galleries I gather up a large herd of zeds. From this point I not only lead them to my prey, but I run them down head long; letting them know that their fate is now sealed by the groping hands of the infected, led by some seemingly crazy lunatic whom decided to sprint full blast through the city.

I did have the tables turned on me once when a bandit kept his head cool, kept me in sight and ambushed me with his zombie horde while I was looting a nearby barn for supplies while I headed north. Fun times.

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Actually, somewhat related to the topic I guess... I wish the bandit skin wouldn't have went away.

I feel kinda bad shooting survivors, even at the Airfield/Stary Sobor, when their incompetence is obvious and I easily kill a group alone. But I won't know that until I fire the first shots.

I'd much rather hunt other bandits as well.

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It's pretty easy to know if it's an experienced bandit..

Or a clueless survivor..

It's all in the movement, nothing else..

But then again, you won't spot me unless you got eagleyes, and are able to predict my movement :p

So far i've lost countless people up in the mountain by just out sneaking them..

I guess guillie helps abit with that!

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i will leave you pantless with a bow tie in the middle of cherno !

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As a bandit, I enjoy this post. I love nothing more than a good tough competition. Running around slaughtering people, regardless of stature or skill, is fun.

But like-minded survivors with an uncanny skull for hunting and tracking, now that's a new game to play. Come on down the road, friend, and we will dance the dance of blood and metal amidst the harrowing echoes of enraged zombies.

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real bandits dont kill people real bandits leave fools in cherno butt naked with nothing but a bowtie and a can of sardines!

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Haha, I've gotta love the hate I'm still receiving. All I want is a challenge in my man hunting, and trust me there are many "bandits" who are complete idiots when it comes to their human hunting skills. Had one guy blasting away at noobs in Electro, living a carefree world of complete and udder destruction. I was hunting zombies at the northern fire station for sustenance(a requirement for this patch) and wondered why the hell was all his shots coming from the same place. At this point I wandered into town, dodged some zombies for good measure(still loving that ability now) and spotted the fool ontop of the office blasting away. It took two shots from my AKM to drop the fool. Turned out he had decent supplies in the way of tools, no food or water, and a m16A2 with five mags.

I made off like a bandit that day, dropped my nearly spent AKM for a delicious m16A2.

I don't claim to be the "best hunter in the game" I merely enjoy the expected challenge of those whom hunt themselves. So throw your taunts, your threats and claims of dominance my way. All I know is, most of the time you bandits camp the same place; and it only takes me 10-20 minutes to find another gun and return.

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