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Can anyone give advice for a noob

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Hello Can anyone give some advice for an almost total noob to the game. ps: can someone recommend a non hacker server.

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Learn from experience. Tips only get you so far.

But I will say, playing Arma 2 before DayZ will give you decent combat skills, especially if you run in a good clan.

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yeah do the basic training missions, that way you can focus on survivng instead of key controls

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Avoid towns until you find an axe or gun in a barn or fire station.

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There are some great beginner guides in this community, as well as a DayZ Wiki, which provides some more tips and other info. I would recommend checking these, but you learn from experience, you'll see that after some days playing, you'll be used to the controls and if you follow the tips, you might succeed on surviving for a long time :)

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I have been playing for a mouth and a half

and i can give a few tips

first thing to do is get a weapon

the food and drink and then a better weapon

look for the hunting tools an axe, Hunting Knife and matches

hunting and eating animals is the best way to get health if you are on you're own, 800 blood per piec

get morphine (all 3 city's at hospitals) a broken leg without it or a friend= death

cherno is dangerous

electro is a death trap often used for pvp only got there on an empty sever of if you have just started and don't mind being killed (but has good supply's)

stary sobor (center map) has an army base and is good for guns but is dangerous and has some really nasty/nice sniper positions

the NW air field is hell on earth but has the best guns so max risk for max reword

the best advice i can give for a total newbie is head for Berezino (NE of the map) its the 3rd city is quite large has few weapons but lots of supply's but is a long way from starting positions and therefore by far the quietest city in the game

stealth is you're friend esp when starting out later you can zombie dodge but it is a skill that is better acquired when you are adapt at the basic game play elements


Edited by King Tubbs

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PINE TREES are your best friend!


Get a hatchet, kill Zeds quietly.

Great info here... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10051-index-of-helpful-threads/

Get used to dying, don't fall in love with your equipment, dont kill new spawns on the coast with you big shiny sniper rifle, there's no honor in that.

Have fun and when you get tired of hackers, join a whitelisted server with nice/helpful/competent admins.

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You might try Balota Buddies. Great group of peeps with servers for AU, UK, and US, with different maps and setups.

Website is here and you can get started on the whitelist process http://balotabuddies.net/index.php?

Mix of heroes and bandits and new player friendly.

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Come play on my Cherno server,tends to be pretty quiet. If I'm on ill help you if I can.

Details in sig

Edited by Vivid dark side

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I recommend avoiding absolutely everyone unless you personally know them; assume everyone is a bandit. Avoid staying in the open; take lots of cover and move fast; slow when there are zombies around.

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Just play the game, die lots and learn by your mistakes. Honestly its the (hardest) beat way to experience DayZ.

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Try to stealth around and just leave players alone except if they have seen you or if you REALLY want any of his gear.

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You'll find most of the advice you can use in the DayZ wiki. But check out the link in my sig. I might have some other useful advice.

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I have tried playing the demo and practicing my skills but when I tried to go on the online mode I played it with a lot of lag and I crashed. Can some one please tell me the specs I need.

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I have tried playing the demo and practicing my skills but when I tried to go on the online mode I played it with a lot of lag and I crashed. Can some one please tell me the specs I need.

Try adjusting down your advanced video options. Resolution, view distance, FSAA and PPE seem to have a high impact.

DayZ is a game of press your luck. Sometimes it pays off, sometimes it costs you everything. Getting hard won experience will teach you when to push forward and when to hold back. Just keep in mind that there is no one way to approach every situation. You will die - many times - and that is a normal part of the learning process.

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Crouch and slow walk when in towns or cities to prevent a zombie from chasing you. Also if they are chasing you run into a clump of trees and lay down. :)

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