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_Anubis_ (DayZ)

Chain of Events [story]

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Fresh spawned, let's look around: West of Elektro, not the best place to start without anything. Alt-Tab to switch to the online DayZ map: yes, it is nearby Elektro. I spot quickly what I am looking for, the big green dot marking an isolated farm, the best place to start to get organized and to kill zombie in full safety while they stagger on the stairs.

No compass, so let's define a route via landmarks: top of the hill, hit the trail, turn left following the trail, at the junction look at the power station and from there, diagonally across the big field, there should be the farm.

The zombies are relatively far away, so I can move quickly. Climbing the hill diagonally... Here's the trail, turn left now. Junction of roads and now I can see the power plant and the open fields.

Should I make a long detour to reach the farm or cross the fields, starting near the power plant? I have nothing so I am harmless and if someone takes pleasure in killing a bambi moving openly... Well, I don't care and I have nothing to loose.

Coming down the hill now, looking carefully for zombie activity near the building, but there is none. Moving toward the power plant and someone types on the side channel asking whether I am friendly or not. Finally someone who is does not KOS. He's not visible, so it must be in the buildings. I stop, say yes and I explain I just started and I am planning to reach the nearest farm to find some basic gear. He types back ok.

Moving again, I quick check a barrack to find a bandage and behind a corner, here's most likely the guy who asked [tags are off]. He has a Winchester. We look at each other but there is no time to talk, zombies are close. We both get out and move in separate directions... I wish him a silent good luck and move ahead.

Passing a line of trees, a fence and a road: the farm should be then somewhere right and here it is. I recon the area slowly, but I can only see quiet zombies, time to get something, I am also thirsty and hungry.

The farm does not offer very much, not a single hatchet and the only lousy weapon is the crossbow. Oh well at least I have zome food. I need to go around and return regularly to get new items respawned, it is a matter of patience.

After a few round-trips I have finally enough: a Lee-Enfield, plenty of ammo, an hatchet, food and water bottles, more bandages and painkillers, also thanks to a few zombies killed on the stairs.

Decision time, leave or stay more? The power plant is close and has a nice red spot on the map, so it can spawns military as well medical stuff such as morphine. Remembering that I died last time after many days of survival due to broken bones, I decide to take the risk.

Moving back toward the power plant, just North of Elektro, I can see players typing in German on the side channel, they are talking about me and saying I am friendly. Most likely snipers, but I press on, I will stay only the minimum amount of time.

Zombies see me, so I have to zig-zag and turn around buildings to loose them. Finally I am inside, what do I have here?

More food, bandages, an ACU pack and yes, an AKS Kobra, but I have already a lee-enfield, so I simpy decide that I will pick it up later, I do not plan to kill anybody here...

Moving up, an Alice pack! This is wonderful. More exploration and then suddenly a zombie comes out of wall, some glitch. I shoot him with the rifle, then put the rifle in the Alice Pack and take the hatchet. The noise has attracted other Zombies so I move up killing a couple of them.

At the top floor I find what I was looking for, a morphine injector. Now I really have everything, let;s just wait for the zombies to cool down and leave this place.

Silence... Time to go down. I slowly climb down ladders but then I hear a noise: someone is coming up. I have still the hatchet so I can simply wait for the zombie to come up and kill him from the side, it always work.

I move toward the ladder, the head appears, that's a baseball cap, he is a player not a zombie.And now, here's the chain of events leading to me quck death in a fraction of a secod:

1. I do not have the headphones and the mic and I have no time to type I am friendly

2. I decide to not kill him so I stop moving

3. He has the AKS that I did not pick up from the lower floor

4. I am within striking distance with the hatchet he has not seen me, but he will as soon as he will turn left

5. He will suddenly see another player very close with an hatchet and he has an automatic weapon in his hands...

Three shots, I drop dead, they guy realizes (maybe?) I meant no harm and types "sorry bro". Ok, I would most likely have done the same and shot just by reaction, can't blame him, I should blame myself.

This is why I love dayz.


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Nice story, enjoyed reading it :D beanz!

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