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Spectral "Squad" - New Clan

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The SS is recruiting experienced or exceptional players to join our ranks. We are an active squad of elite soldiers that can handle any situation calmly and effectively.

We are a respectable squad. We do not loot, pillage, or kill survivors/heroes on sight. Bandits will be asked to turn the lower their weapon, turn the other direction, drop their weapon on the ground, lay down, and roll to the side away from their weapon. Instructions will be given to new players, and if all of these steps are not acceptably complied with, we will open fire.

We will only kill hostiles, trespassers, intruders, infiltrators, and bandits. Unresponsive players are also an exception. Unknown or unidentified soldiers must lower their weapons before approach or they will be shot.

When firing at survivors or unresponsive soldiers, we will always attempt to knock out our target. If that succeeds, a medic will tend to the soldier and retrieve them in an air vehicle (to avoid escape from vehicle without lethal consequences).

The killing of unarmed survivors will lead to removal from the squad and elimination of killer(s).

We often set up a trading post for non-clanmembers in any server we are currently stationed in. Some of the members may be required to watch over said trading post.


Apply by adding me on Skype

Skype name - lolwtfomg3


Please apply in this thread with the following layout:

In-Game Name:

Time Available (with timezone):

Current Inventory (with backpack):

Applying for role (listed below this form):

Experience with role:

Experience with game:

Activity (estimated hours/day):


Survivor/Bandit kills (if no raw data, give estimate):




Other Requirements (if any)



Snipers (0/6)

Long range encounters

Sniper Rifles (SVD, M107, AS50...)

Rangefinder/GPS usage


Assault (0/8)

Close to Medium range encounters

Assault Rifles (M4A1, AK107, G36...)

Ability to move into advantageous positions at close/medium range, ability to use grenade launcher attachments


Heavies (0/5)

Close to Medium range encounters

Light Machine Guns (MG36, Mk. 48 Mod 0, M249...)

Ability to take efficient cover and handle thrown explosives when necessary


Medics (0/6)



Medical supply usage, tending to unconscious, ability to load unconscious soldiers into vehicles, driving skills, ability to avoid gunfire effectively


Specialists (0/4)

Special encounters, tactical entry

Light Machine Guns, SMG, Assault Rifles (MP5 Silenced, MG36, G36CSD...)

GPS/Map usage, Squad Coordination/Teamwork skills


Recons (0/5)


SMG/Assault Rifles (MP5A5, AK107, M4A3...)

Rangefinder/Map/GPS Usage, ability to give specific and special information on a location or target


Scouts (0/4)

Long-range watchmen, used often when anticipating an attack, or planning one

Assault Rifles, SMG (MP5A5, M16A2, M4A3...)

Ability to track targets unnoticed and communicate their location through microphone to squad members


Infiltrators (0/6)

Explosive placement, tactical entry/reconnaissance (spying)

Silenced Weaponry (Any)

Stealth tactics, enemy prediction/ability to predict next action or movement


Retrievers (0/4)

Vehicle stripping, base stripping, body looting

Any Weaponry

Ability to avoid conflict/firefights, ability to travel and return quickly and unseen


Strategists (0/2)

Real-time Planning/Strategy Communication (Does not leave base during combat)

Any Weaponry

Ability to quickly analyze incoming information and form strategies from the information for use in combat, GPS/Map Usage

Edited by ASpectrus

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