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King Tubbs

i think i just REALY upset someone

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I try to be a hero player most of the time but if i find a tent/car chopper i will nick the stuff, i just wont kill you to nick the stuff

on that note

I was a fresh spawn had found a unlooted dead body in cherno and got some cool gear and headed north

and in some woods i found a military offroad and what did i fund?

a m14 aim with 10 mags

2 stanag sd

6 stanag

4 ak 74 mags


car parts

a heli rota

3 jerrycans



and other assorted items

and the car was almost in perfect condition

so i nicked the car

with the way it was parked I am willing to bet that he will spawn right where the car was


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I once found something similar parked in some woods near the NWAF but with an AS50 and about 7 NATO mags, ultimate jackpot, I had a Winchester at the time so took their AS50 and put my Winchester in, needless to say I'm sure when they came back, they were pretty pissed, unfortunately I wasn't there to experience the rage!

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and the last twist to the story

I see someone running from zeds straight towards where i hide the truck

i give chase thinking "kill or distract and try and draw him away from the area?"

he sees me and logs out (pussy)

so i search the area i wanted and drive the truck back

i must off logged back in and followed my dust trail

and nicked my car

luckily i had got the best stuff out of it and put it in my tents that are WELL away from my parking spot

i guess its "what goes around comes around"

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