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I believe that tents should be treated as they are in minecraft. Meaning if you put a tent down, you can respawn at your tent.

Just an idea. Not as cool as my factions / trading / role playing idea. Not as complex either.

I see two options as well.

A) Tent is persistent ALL the time, meaning people can steal it.

B) Tent is persistent upon player loading and is removed upon player leaving.

B.1) If another tent is placed where the first tent was, and then a person leaves and rejoins, the original tent should move to a nearby location, about 10m away.

Just some ideas.

This goes along with Extended Camps, Factions and Role Playing. >->

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I seem to be saying this lots today but I agree with you and Tents being a respawn point, it really would make it feel like you had a place to call (for lack of a better word) home.

I would go with option A) simply because I love a good rummage in someone else's tent ;)

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Well my other idea was that the tent disappears after some time.

Here were my thoughts of how the general script could go:

Person leaves, tent stays after for 10-20 minutes. If someone comes across it, they can't "Take" the tent, but they can rummage through and steal their items.

Person comes back, tent returns almost immediately give or take about a minute or two (could also vary based on if players are around or if there is an object in the way, in which, let say another tent was there, the "players" tent could simply move about 10m. Again players could rummage, but not steal the tent.)

If player leaves and joins another server, tent will be instantly removed, but added to the new server, even if player disconnects quickly.

The reason i say you can't take their tent is that you're already probably stealing the rest of their stuff. Now you're taking their spawn point.

Though, i'd have to think a little more about how the game dynamics would change with that, haven't even drawn ANYTHING about this, too busy with my other ideas.

And i don't mind with people agreeing with me. Nor disagreeing with me. If you agree with me it means that my ideas actually have merit and i should keep trying to make them better and even see if i could script it myself.

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When you die, you die. You have to restart, re-roll. Being able to pick you spawn point would make the game easier and remove some of the punishment of dying. I personally wouldn't like this added but I can see it's use even if it detracts from the game philosophy as a whole.

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The problem is, however, "Run run run get to place where ALLL my friends are at, take 30 minutes doing so, get killed from sniper"

"Run run run get killed by zombies"

"take 4 hours crawling, get killed by friends thinking i was zombie."

In all honesty, you have to FIND a tent before you can even do that, so it makes it slightly difficult to begin with. And from there, you don't just get all your stuff back anyways.

Plus, while the game recognizes you as a completely new person, to other people you are not.

Might as well be somewhere they can find you/can't find you.

Plus it makes having tents have a purpose. Yeah it's nice to spawn on the beach the first few times learning what to do and all that, but having to do so when you've been playing a while... can get a bit annoying.

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half the people I play with thought you could respawn at tents already LMAO.. Anyway I believe you should not spawn with your weapons, so basically just spawn stock again.. Also be nice if tents were given persistent markers on the map each time you place them (saved for the player who placed them only).

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Sorry, but the whole point of the mod is that when you die, you start as a completely fresh character, no one will get anything more than everyone else on spawn.

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Again, that's fine and dandy until you get to the point where it's 30 minutes of procurring, then dying, then 30 minutes of procurring, 2 hours of walking and sneaking, and dying, and so on so forth.

My name doesn't change. I'm not a new character. I'm lithiumfox. I will still play as lithiumfox whether you kill me or not. I don't have any differences from the first, other than that I pull a Samus Aran and lose all the nice shiny stuff and am 18 hours back from where I was. Which is fine and all except that I was killed by a guy who had a lucky shot with a revolver. 6 times in a row.

Although, I thought the whole point was a zombie simulation, not just that one feature. *shrugs*

I could see your point. But why not take it further? Make it so you only have 1 life per day... or forever?!

It's a great feature when you're playing the game the first couple times. It's a bit crippling when it comes to finding your friends: Like when my friend glitched through a guard tower, I spent 50 minutes backtracking and getting chased by zombies to go meet him on the OTHER SIDE OF THE MAP where he spawned just so I could give him the G17 i found him.

But in all honesty I have my list of things I'd like to see in my signature, some tents won't bother me.

Although, with the tent thing, I think the tent should completely empty upon player respawn, if that WERE to be the case. Thus: Nothing extra, other than a tent. YAAAAY tent. >->

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Can I just say that I find your attitude quite distasteful.

Simply because it reminds me of me and I just want to punch you in the face.


/btw this is my last post for the next 3 months. Moving to new york. Super fun./

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I would just like to say that, as freaking difficult as it is to play with friends, I love the fact that it is so difficult. It's like when I finally see my friend down the road I just want to run up and give him a hug because I've been freaking out and hiding alone for the past 2 hours.

Adam, I think you are doing a great job, especially at keeping your foot down on things like making the game easier. If you don't do that we are going to end up with MW3 :D

Anyways, persistent raidable tents that you hide are great, and exciting to find as they should be. They SHOULD persist through server restarts, but I'm sure that is quite an obstacle from a scripting standpoint.

Keep up the good work guys!

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Sorry' date=' but the whole point of the mod is that when you die, you start as a completely fresh character, no one will get anything more than everyone else on spawn.


Off-topic, shouldn't our humanity reset as well then? I've been stuck at -4000, and I dont receive +500 every 15 minutes, nor does it reset once I die. I don't like to kill players, but it feels that I am at a disadvantage when spawning as a bandit, I tried changing profile names, but I realized the character stats aren't tied to the names.

On topic, do not make the tents spawn points, this makes room for abuse, whereas you can set up a tent near a highly desired location, such as any airfield. Then just kill anyone approaching it and when you get killed, you instantly get a chance of payback, by spawning near your death location.

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In my opinion it would work like this, you find a tent (rare as is), you setup tent, as long as that tent has items in it you can't pick it up again, if you die you spawn at your tent and have access to whatever supplies you have ferried back to it and keep you from spawning far off on coast.

Your tent is only there while your on-line, anyone can steal from it and if empty steal the tent itself.

This would be good for organised groups who have managed to actually find a tent each setup a hidden camp so when one person dies they know where he is and how to regroup. Not to mention it would make people playing more dispersed around the map, as is it's rather annoying cause most are on coast and chern or elektro, only stragglers up north.

It's not like EVERYONE will have their own tent, I mean I've played all week and seen one tent setup, and one i could pick up.

It basically removes the monotony of going through the same old places over n over again when you die.

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Tent must be a place to spawn, of course. If the group has a camp in the far north, then run from coast every time after death takes too much time. This leads to the fact that most players are hanging out in the Cherno and Electro. I understand that realism - the basic idea of ​​this mod, but must also be a balance of playability and realism.

Confrontation between the factions, capture and control territory with a tasty loot, destruction of the enemy base by destroying tents - all I would like to see in the future

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Being able to spawn where all of your friends and all of your gear is, would take away the point of the game, there would be no survival-feel to it.

Suddenly, it wouldn't matter if you're not careful, you get your stuff back anyway.

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Adam is right, death is death. The only thing that should remain from your last character is your "humanity", nothing else.

I hope it'll stay this way.

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Being able to spawn where all of your friends and all of your gear is' date=' would take away the point of the game, there would be no survival-feel to it.

Suddenly, it wouldn't matter if you're not careful, you get your stuff back anyway.


It wouldn't take away from it at all, every time you leave your camp and die your gear is still gone, if you've setup a tent and spawn there then you start going hunting for meat and stocking it, ignoring cans of soda and gathering water bottles that you regularly ferry into a village or water source fill up and take back.

You gather ammo for when you eventually find that gun it fits into, and group up with others with several tents and so on.

The annoyance is setting up camp far north and dying then spending 2 hours JUST getting back to the group camp only to have missed the opportunity to go on that 'raid' of the airport.

It's no more realistic to spawn on the coast then it is your camp, at least in your camp you set chores and loot runs with meaning. That, and as it is tents are NOT common, it'd take a while to find one of your own and always the threat it will be stolen.

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The problem is' date=' however, "Run run run get to place where ALLL my friends are at, take 30 minutes doing so, get killed from sniper"

"Run run run get killed by zombies"

"take 4 hours crawling, get killed by friends thinking i was zombie."

In all honesty, you have to FIND a tent before you can even do that, so it makes it slightly difficult to begin with. And from there, you don't just get all your stuff back anyways.

Plus, while the game recognizes you as a completely new person, to other people you are not.

Might as well be somewhere they can find you/can't find you.

Plus it makes having tents have a purpose. Yeah it's nice to spawn on the beach the first few times learning what to do and all that, but having to do so when you've been playing a while... can get a bit annoying.


Being able to spawn where all of your friends and all of your gear is' date=' would take away the point of the game, there would be no survival-feel to it.

Suddenly, it wouldn't matter if you're not careful, you get your stuff back anyway.


It wouldn't take away from it at all, every time you leave your camp and die your gear is still gone, if you've setup a tent and spawn there then you start going hunting for meat and stocking it, ignoring cans of soda and gathering water bottles that you regularly ferry into a village or water source fill up and take back.

You gather ammo for when you eventually find that gun it fits into, and group up with others with several tents and so on.

The annoyance is setting up camp far north and dying then spending 2 hours JUST getting back to the group camp only to have missed the opportunity to go on that 'raid' of the airport.

It's no more realistic to spawn on the coast then it is your camp, at least in your camp you set chores and loot runs with meaning. That, and as it is tents are NOT common, it'd take a while to find one of your own and always the threat it will be stolen.

Well in this mod death is permanent, so you have to start a new char every time you die. If you spawn at YOUR camp, you would be the same character, and you could just walk back to your corpse and loot it. Hence not paying for your mistakes in any way.

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Well in this mod death is permanent' date=' so you have to start a new char every time you die. If you spawn at YOUR camp, you would be the same character, and you could just walk back to your corpse and loot it. Hence not paying for your mistakes in any way.


As is you do the same thing, I do at-least, my group is situated in far north so it takes 2-4 hours to get there, and we play together so we don't side track until we get there but by time we do we've wasted several hours of our day and missed the chance as a group to go have fun and someone is constantly dead so were always scattered and un-organised, there is realism and there is game-play and in a game they need middle-ground.

The punishment is you've died, you dropped your gear, you still have to run out the 30 minutes to an hour to your corpse just to leave off where you were, is that not punishment enough is game standards?

30 minutes to an hour downtime is a hefty chunk of time.

If you want additional punishment ok, why not if your say spawning on a tent start off with nothing! nothing at all, so you HAVE to recover your corpse or take out your supplies from tent. That would work yes? if you died near zombies you have to either have stocked a backup gun in the tent or sneak in defenceless to your body or a local town.

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Just me 2 pennys,

I personaly like the fact that when you die thats it, were it not for this simple fact there woulc be so much less exitment in a gunfigtht , or panic as you get mobbed and your trying to drag your bleeding butty into a house. The consiquences for death add meaning to your life.

The game still rewards groups camping out of the way, if you have an organised group camping far north then you can fix up a car or if your very lucky even a heli and make runs to the south to collect people when they die in a fraction of the time (takes about 3-5 mins to fly from top to bottom.

And all the time you will still have the hightend gameplay experiance from having invested time that you may lose in your character.

The only thing that i would say i think would be worth adding is the idea of beds or some kind of deployable that can be placed INSIDE a building (that work the same as tents do now) allowing you to set up in an abandoned warhouse or farm or some such, with the addition of fortefications ssoon and the sugestion of suing generators to power up building i think that would add a new layer to the group gameplay experiance , you would end up with people fortifying up in vilages and gas stations.

Im sure there are flaws with this idea also but as i said , just my input.

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As I can see one of the main arguments against this idea is that it will inevitably be abused, and tents will be placed by strategic locations. There's a simple fix for that.

Make the cities and the areas surrounding them 'no-tent' zones. Zones where you cant place tents.

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nope. wen you die you die, not just spawn in a tent, start all over, like it was meant to be

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I see your point and while in theory it sounds like a cool idea (personally I think I would be okay with it) but I think people would find a way to abuse it and/or it would turn the game into more cowadoowy because then people would just be like "Well if I run in and die Ill just respawn at my tent where I still have a ton of weapons". Just my thoughts

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