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**New Server**=ShoX= Team-AfterShocks.com - Overpoch CHERNARUS|Custom Scripts|

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IP Port 3502
Looking for groups, clans or lone wolves to help populate our server and even call it their home.
40 Slot UK Based Private Server running Overpoch  (Chernarus)
- Veteran, crosshairs & 3rd person enabled
- Active admins
- Lots of vehicles and helicopters
- Custom Starting Loadout
- EMS/WAI Missions (adjusted to have overpoch & regular Arma 2 weapons)
- Zero tolerance hacking
- Custom weapons and vehicles at traders (There were over 400 duplicates that we cleared out)
- Trader animations removed for faster trading
- Trader zones are god mode enabled
- No Plot pole required to build
- Snap building pro + Vector (You can snap on to MUCH more, as well as tilt, rotate and bank all building items)
- Self Bloodbag
- No weight limit (Carry as much as you like)
- Take clothes from dead players
- Vehicle remote lock/unlock (up to 50 Meters)
- Suicide with pistols
- No Teamspeak? We have a group radio system (Binded to right shift)
- 8 Hour restarts (Keeps loot coming and server lag free)
Custom areas/revamped areas on map:
Bandit coast (Between Balota & Chernarus City
Chernarus City [East side by the big crane]
NW Airfield [bandit AI]
NE Airfield
Skalisty Island
To Enter Overpoch (easiest way) You will need:
DayZ Launcher: http://dayzlauncher.com/ Recommended
With either program, you will be required to download and install; DayZ Epoch & DayZ OverWatch 0.2.5.
In settings, (For DayZ Commander) You will need to enter Parameter 1 or 2. (Highlighted below in red)
If you are using DayZ Launcher, You will need to click "Launch" then "Advanced" You can click each mod and add them, or add the parameters. Doing both may load each mod twice.
(Depending on what your Epoch folder is called, you may want to check your Arma 2 OA folder (It can be Dayz_Epoch or DayZ_Epoch1051)
> In settings of both programs, you MAY need to set the path locations for both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA if they do not detect.
Enter one of the two parameters below;
1. -mod=@DayzOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch;
2. -mod=@DayzOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch1051;
(Depending on what your Epoch folder is called)
3.-mod=@DayZOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch; -nointro -nosplash -connect= -port=3502
With DayZ Commander, enter into your favourite and double click the server.
For DayZ Launcher, enter the IP and Port 3502 into the server info inside Launch>Advanced, then click launch.
If you have any questions, feel free to post below.



Edited by MogZ3
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Still looking for more players

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Anyone else.Already have a few regulars

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We are now running rmod on the server

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Awesome session last night, can't wait for tonight!

It was good fun alright. Till you 'landed' the huey! :P

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Why no FAL!?

Hey Welch, When it came to custom loot alot of people seemed dislike the FN FAL so we removed it.

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Still room for more people :)

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