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Looking for Friends to Team Up With

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Welcome to the Chernarus Electric Company. Established on 1/14/2013, we have made it our goal to restore the electricity to Chernarus and all other areas affected by the apocalypse.

We are a group of players that play together daily. We mostly play DayZ, but we also enjoy a few other games.

We are expanding the Electric Company and hope that you will join many other players, as we dominate every server we play on.

If you are interested in joining, just fill out the short questionnaire below and post it in the comments. A member will then review your application and reply to you via PM.




Experience in DayZ:


Roll you would like to play in our group? (Sniping):

Thank you,


EC Member

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Hi, I've just started Dayz and I'm looking for a group to get going with.

Name: Jacob

Age: 21

Location: US

Experience: About 3 weeks of active playing

Interests: Programming, stats, strategy games

Role: Scavenger, or sniper anything really

Are you on right now?

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