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Sonic01DayZ.tk - Recruiting players for white-list hack free server!

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Hi All,

We're currently looking to recruit more players for our white-list server, bambi's, bandits, hero's and survivors are welcome, anyone 16 or older and speaks english can apply :)

We already have a solid group of active friendly regulars who are always a good laugh, we're just looking to get a few more numbers and encourage a bit more pvp and banter maybe ;)

The server is UK based, set to GMT -8 (though that may change) and is hacker free.

We have vastly increased the number of vehicles and added a debug monitor to view your humanity, fps, health, kills etc.

The regulars will happily help new players get familiar with the game or meet for a fight :)

If you're interested just register on our forums in my signature link below :-D

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