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Bad serial number where given in start setup tryed everything

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hello ive played Dayz for like 2 days ago dident had any prob. with dayz but then suddenly the next day it said bad serial number were given on starsetup these solutions ive tryed:

1. Exit steam run as administrator (dident work)

2. reboot. (dident work)

3. Re install arma 2 first and verfir game cache and run it to main menu and then arma oa ( same as i did on the arma 2) (dident work

4. regedit remove (Computer/hkey_local_machine/software/bohemia Interactive studio/arma 2 Oa( dident work)

And i thin k i did the thing where u have to allow ur system and ur user check all the boxes in regedit (dident work)

5. Verify game cache (dident work)

and sum more i tryed

Im running a windows vista 32bit computer help plzz

sry for posting this i know manny pepol have been posting this prob. but i need ur help i tryed everything

Edited by plomke

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try deleting the arma2 oa and arma2 folders in regedit then reinstall both games, that worked for me

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nope not working i cant even run it in steam it allso says bad serial number where given in startsetup

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i solved my problem i just needed 2 remove 1 file form steam cause i couldent see any of my key steam games it just keept on saying requesting key

i just needed 2 delete this file from stean

1. Exit steam

2. go to: C:\Program Files\Steam\userdata\51639844\config (in my case ) and remove the file thats called localconfig.vdf

3. open steam as administrator (that was i did) dunno if it works without administrator but i sloved it so now the problem with the bad serial key also fixed :3 soo happy right now

Edited by plomke

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