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DayZ version(s) ARMA II Version(s) - Compatibility

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Hello folks,

I wanted to take a second to compile my thoughts. Currently I'm at work, and I'm highly anticipating getting back and playing the game. I heard about it from friends for 12 hours straight at work the night previous, and was so anxious to play. I was downloading and installing the game right as DayZ version released - it created a LOT of frustrating issues.

I have followed every guide, read through hundreds of posts, and tried a lot of different things. I finally managed to get into a server MINUTES before having to come back to work.

And as such, I have a few questions regarding compatibility and the process of getting the game as clean as it will run for now.

DayZ: Does DayZ need to be on to run? It seems like the servers in-game are split between 1.7 and I HAVE updated to the most recent one, and ironically it won't let me on a lot of the servers.

Arma II: When I highlight a server in the list, I can see "version" down on the bottom right of the server profile. For MY version, it says 1.60 But MANY of the other servers show 1.60.XXXXX.

It becomes confusing, because my Arma is updated, my DayZ is updated, yet some servers are running, but are running a DIFFERENT version of Arma II? Are the 1.60.x.x.x. versions non-beta versions?

I get off work in about 12 hours - what are the odds of a hotfix or some sort of compatibility being sorted out before then? My ultimate goal is to get into this game in the next 13 hours and finally play.

Sorry for a long-winded post, but I'm sitting here rotting on shift work and need some interaction.


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The version you have (1.6) is the version of Arma. If you want to play on 1.6.##### servers you have to download the newest beta patch, which is pretty buggy imo. Most servers have their dayz version shown in their names.

( As far as I can tell ) Dayz has backwards compatibility so you can play on 1.7 servers even if you have 1.7.1 or , if you have the newest beta patch though, it will kick you if you try to join servers that don't have it , giving you the error message "Kicked: Battleye script restriction #16." I recommed sticking with the earlier beta patches (Personally, I am using 935##.)

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That definitely clears a thing or two up. I have seen that error-kick message a few times now, thanks for the clarification.

I suppose I'll stick to the earlier beta version and see how it runs, since most of the errors seem DayZ based anyways, depending on hotfixes and patches.

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