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DayZ Servers for Rent $1.00 a Slot

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Hello Dayz members, players and guests.

I'm just letting everyone know that Clanoutpost Gameservers has DayZ servers for rent for a limited time only! $1.00 a slot for the lifetime of the server including upgrades and downgrades. We only host Dayz servers in the following locations.

Dallas Texas

Los Angeles California

(Other locations will become available once we get a client base in Dayz)

Here is a demo server you can try out in Dallas Texas


Our servers have the following specs

E3-1230 CPU 2.9GhZ

32GB DDR3 1333Mhz

1GB Network Speed

Here is our website www.cogameservers.com

Our servers come with full database access, if you'd like to see our control panel here is the login info, please be aware that if the server does not work then someone has played with the configs since it is just a demo server for the configs.


Username = dayzdemo

Password = demo

Thank you for taking your time reading this, and I hope you all a great week!



Clanoutpost Gameservers


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