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war wolf

M16A2 vs M4A1

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It really is contextual and personal preference. If I didn't have a sniper rifle of some kind or some kind of scoped weapon, or even an M14 AIM, I would go with the M16. Without a longer range weapon to switch to, I need that extra bit of range IMO.

I actually DO notice a little bit of maneuverability issues with the longer rifles, but the M16 still isn't even THAT long.

At the same time though, if I do have a longer ranged weapon, I like the M4 a lot. Just my opinion, but in a game where 1 bullet can kill or knock someone down/out, full auto can definitely be an advantage.

But if you want to know what I REALLY think? AKM > Both of them. lol.

EDIT: not to talk down to anyone, but it might be helpful for others to make sure and clarify whether you're talking about real life, or in-game. I didn't have any trouble distinguishing, but I got the impression that some people might. Not trying to tell anyone what to do, though.

Edited by BenitoProfane

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Id say the m16a2... or the m16a2 GL if youre lucky enough to find one... Speaking of which has anyone else found an m16a2 GL, Put it in their back pack, and it glitched into just a normal m16a2 without the GL?..... It happened to me and I was pretty pissed. But at least I found a heli crash that had like 30 STANDAG rounds in it.

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I prefer the M4 and variants as opposed to the M16 and variants.

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I prefer the m4 as i can burst fire at med-long range which is good

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