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5DayzAfter mod Server

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We would like to welcome everyone to join us on our new server and mod called 5DayzAfter.



It has been 5 days since the news of a clinical test drug started to turn people in flesh eating, brain dead Creatures that only purpose was to feed on the living.

Day 1: The Emergency Broadcast was broadcasted over every radio station and T.V Channel in Chernarus, Instructing everyone to evacuate to the North-West Airfield where the army has setup a safe haven compound.

Day 2: On my way out of the house you receive a phone call from your ex, Asking if you can come to Elektrozavodsk and pick them up. After a hour or so of talking I hang up with my head hung low cause I know this will not turn out fine, That is why they are my ex.

I arrived late last night at my exes house, So we decided to wait til morning to head out.

Day 3: I woke up early this morning with a pounding headache from all the noise outside last night. As I am loading everything in the truck to head out, I notice that it is very quite on the streets compared to yesterday, So I open the drivers door and turn on the radio to see if anything is being announced.

After scanning trough a couple of stations I come across a weak signal with lots of static but I can make some of it out.

RADIO: This is the mayor of ...ban...o br........asting on .............. station just ou.......ide of k...sno...av!

Do .....t I r.....at do ...........o the ................................................... the military is .............................

on site! I rep.........ot go to the ...................................... military .........................site!


The station went silent with nothing but static, I wish I could have picked up the whole message cause it could mean anything, Hell it could be nothing more then some asshole making shit up, who knows.

After everything is loaded and ready to go we start to head out. As we are heading out of town we make a quick stop at the store to pick up a few cans of food, soda, pain killers and bandages. After that we start heading up north out of Elektrozavodsk past the dam and into Staroye cause the road through Mogilevka was blocked off.

After driving for most of the day I am starting to think it might be a little dangerous for us to drive late at night seeing that both of us are tired as hell and need sleep bad. So we decide to stop at a little town just up the road called Guglovo for the night and head out just before sunrise.

Day 4: After a good nights sleep and a fresh cup of coffee this morning we are ready to head out and finish our trip up to the North-West Airfield And with the radio broadcast still in the back of my mind I am starting to have second thoughts.

Once we got into Novy Sobor we start to notice them more and more, A few of them tried to chase our truck but was not fast enough. As we start to come up on Stary Sobor we notice a downed Chopper and a few military units laying on the ground. We pulled over and decided to pull over and see if they need any help seeing that they might be passed out from the wreck.

After we pull over we get out and start to head up to the wreck as slow as we can seeing that there are a shit ton of these dead fuckers around this area. Once we got to the wreck we split up to check everyone to make sure they are Okay. As I start to lean down and check this soldiers pulse that is when I hear the most awful sound I have ever heard.

I get up and start running around to get to the other side of the chopper, And as I come around the tail end I see the most horrifying thing I have ever seen in my life. My ex laying there on the ground with two military guys eating at their stomach. I try to run but all I can do is stand there and frozen in place horrified by what I see.

As I'm standing there I hear a grown coming from behind me so I turn around to see 4 more military guys coming at me, So I take off running back to the truck. I try to get in but these guys are fast as hell. So I reach in through the window and grab my backpack and take off into the forest.

Finally loosing these things in the trees and getting my ass lost, I sit down to take a break before I head off again to see if I can found a town or something to tell me where I am.

Day 5: I awake in shock to see that I passed out some how. So I take a minute to look over everything I have in the bag I managed to grab. 5 Bandages, compass, flash light, hatchet, 2 pain killers. It isn't much but I hope it is enough to get me to where I need to go.


*[NEW] AI now patrol all of the map.

*[NEW] Bases setup all over the map.

*[NEW] AI patrols every base.

*[NEW] Vehicle flip script.

*[NEW] All vehicles can now refuel at all fuel stations. [Just pull up and scroll to REFUEL.]

*[NEW] All aircraft can now refuel at all fuel stations. [same as above but will take a little longer so be ready to defend your area.]

*[NEW] Base Building is now added. (See below for Recipes, more to be added later.)

*[NEW] New skins added.

*[NEW] Added the G36C and the G36C_Camo.

*[NEW] Added Dust and wind.

*[NEW] Care packages added!

*[NEW] Vehicle WRECKS added! (SEE BELOW)

*[REMOVED] All road blocks have been removed. [The military has not had time to set up road block yet since it has only been five days.]

*[REMOVED] PIPEBOMBS/SATCHEL CHARGES have been removed from loot spawns.

*[REMOVED] Bizon and ammo has been removed from loot spawns.

*[uPDATED] Heli crash sites to spawn in more spots around the map!

*[uPDATED] AS50, M107, CZ550 ammo spawns have all been reduced to .01% out of 100%. [Meaning they will not spawn that often.]

*[uPDATED] AS50, M107, CZ550 spawns have all been reduced to .01% out of 100%. [Meaning they will not spawn that often.]

*[uPDATED] Starting loadout had been fixed. [You now spawn with the smallest vest pouch as your backpack.]

*[uPDATED] All spawn loots to what they are suppose to be. [Meaning you will no longer find military loot in farms, houses or stores, If it is a house you will find stuff that you find in a average household.]

*[uPDATED] Zombie loots. [You will no longer find military loot, canned food or guns on most of the zombies.]

*[uPDATED] Turned on all the Street lights so that it adds to the whole 5 days after and electric is still on.

*[uPDATED] Changed the amount the backpacks hold. (See below for more info.)

*[FIXED] Spawns are now fixed and working the right way!







The install will do everything for you, and even place a shortcut on your desktop. All you have to do is point it to your Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead folder. If you got the game from steam it will be in the following place.


YOUR DRIVE:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead


YOUR DRIVE:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead

When it is done installing please make sure to READ THE README!

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Patrol Pack changed from 8 slots to 10

Assault Pack (ACU) changed from 12 to 15

Czech Backpack changed from 16 to 20

ALICE Pack changed from 20 to 25

Coyote Backpack changed from 25 to 30



Edited by P1-Kashwak

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Sandbags=SB,Tank traps=T,Wire=W,Wood Pile=WP,Scrap Metal=SM,Grenade=G

"Booby Trap: 1SB,1W,1G",


"Concrete Wall: 2T,3WP,1SM",


"SandBag Depot: 3SB,3T,2W,2WP",


"Tall Barrier: 1SB,4T,2W,2WP",


"SandBag Camp: 1SB,2T,2W,1WP",


"Short Barrier: 1SB,2T,1W,1WP",


"Large Bunker: 2SB,2T,2WP",


"Bunker Tower: 1SB,2T,2W,2WP",


"Dirt Ramp: 1SB,4T,1W,3WP",


"Large H-barrier: 1SB,2T,1W",


"Small Bunker: 1SB,2T,1WP",


"Round SandBag Fence: 1SB,1W",


"Long SandBag Fence: 1SB",


"Stacked Cargo Containers: 6T,2SM",


"Open Cargo Container: 5T,1SM",


"Cargo Container: 3T,1SM",


"Water Pump: 1SB,1T,2WP,1SM",


"Concrete Barrier: 1T",


"Small Dragon Teeth Barrier: 4T",


"Small Cargo Container: 1T,1SM",


"Wood Ramp: 1T,2WP",


"Metal Fence: 2T",


"Gate: 2T,1W",


"Army Tent: 7W,1SM",


"Desert Camo Net: 6W,1SM",


"Sand Camo Net: 5W,1SM",


"Small Desert Camo Net: 4W,1SM",


"Small Sand Camo Net: 3W,1SM",


"Desert Vehicle Net: 2W,1SM",


"Green Vehicle Net: 1W,2SM",


"Long Wire Fence: 2W, 2WP",


"3 Layer wire fence: 3W",


"Wire Fence: 1W",


Edited by P1-Kashwak

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Along with Heli crash sites and care packages we now have vehicle wrecks. Here is what they might look like.


Any and all suggestions are welcome. We will be adding to this mod as it develops. This is just version 1.0.0 of this mod.

Edited by P1-Kashwak

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Women can't hold guns in ArmA, I don't even think you can mod it so they can.. Unless you're also an animator.

Where's some gameplay footage?

Edited by TheDesigner

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