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What do you suggest as a pro/experienced course of action when first spawning in Chernarus?? Like what would you first do, to get the best loot?

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I am not a pro or that experienced yet but my advice...Run the hell out of cherno. Find a barn or industrial building. Find Hatchet. Now you can kill Zeds quietly. Go from there.. Survive. :)

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I'd say the supermarket and the firestation are the highest value targets, then the med tents. If I'm quickly going through from fresh spawn I hit both the Supermarket and firestation twice, first and last, things like pubs and church only once each on the way through. Takes about 20 mins and then off to Balota.

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As a fresh spawn I only tend to use the cities for medical supplies.I run in, grab a couple of cans, smash the window of the hospital (or visit the med tents if in Cherno) and stock up. Morphine is essential to fix the broken legs that occur so readily in Chernarus. I honestly think there is something in the water that causes brittle-bone disease. I might run into the firestation for a quick look if I am sure that there is nobody else about but I tend to use barns and then deer-stands as my means of gearing up with weapons. One of my favourite places on the south coast is Prigorodky. There is a triple farm building complex there that can be surveyed safely from the treeline above and it is a very rare day that I don't get at least one serviceable weapon from there.

Edit: If it's quiet I'll check the market for a bigger bag but there are markets up north that tend to be safer in my experience.

Edited by Bansidhe
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The absolute first thing I do is look for a hatchet, matches, hunting knife, and water bottle. These are necessities. Nothing else is as important as these items (maybe add morphine to the list). Once you have those you have everything you need to survive in the wild, so you can move north searching barns for weapons. If I want to be daring I'll head into Cherno or Elektro and check out the firestations and supermarkets for a better weapon and a bigger bag.

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