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Hi guys

I have been playing DayZ for some months now and I want to find a good server for the Chernarus map to settle down in. I live in the UK so I ideally want a European server.

I was wondering if any of you would be kind enough to suggest a good server for me :) here are my criteria:

  • Extra vehicle spawns (not too many though, nothing stupid like 2000 + or anything)
  • No name tags shown - takes away some of the realism of DayZ and is annoying
  • Day and Night cycles - adds to the drama and suspense, makes it more exciting !
  • 30 or 40 player capacity - anything over than that and it just becomes even more of a killfest
  • Decent and active admins - who play properly and try and compensate players in the event of hacker attacks through server rollbacks etc
  • Online 24/7 + clear about server restarts - I sometimes play late at night and find it frustrating when the server goes down without any warning and for no reason :(

I know a server like this probably does not exist but if anyone knows an EU server like this or one similar, then that would be fantastic. My two main criteria are the extra vehicle spawns + no name tags shown. The rest are just personal preferences, but those are a MUST.

I hope there is a server out there like this!

Thanking you all in advance

Wi11sh0tu, hero player

Edited by wi11sh0tu

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http://www.britishsergeantsmess.com/ Try that out. Brilliant server, NEVER seen a hacker cause major problems yet been playing about a week or two now. The community is pretty good too, everyone is friendly Take a look there although the server has a few unique features it's not over the top. Search for BSM on the Taviana map mode, it has both day and night cycles. 50 player slots. 10 higher then expected but it's alright as the map is huge. Has extra vehicles, Not a stupid amount but it's just right. Restarts are scheduled and announced on the server. It's online 24/7 And the admins are great. There's also a Vehicle salvage system, eaning you can take parts off other vehicles. If you have a toolbox - and the backpack space, and put them onto other vehicles. Meaning you could scavange all the carparts off nearby vehicles. Give it a try :) - Also has a whitelist but to be added the response time is very fast. Edited by Ailax

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