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Making a Squad on Dayz

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Hey, my name is Fraizer. I'm 15 and have been playing Dayz since it came out. I've played in small groups of around 3-4 people however I want to make a clan called The As4Ss1NZz, our tag will be [As4sNz] . I want a good 10 people in the clan. You must speak English and be over the age of 14. Sorry to say but no new players as I want it to be experienced play due to me starting YouTube if I get a good group. I want to make a big camp for are clan on a good server and get the clan playing with each other often. This clan will do pretty much what ever the clan feel like doing, i am open to suggestions. As for numbers, I want to have 2 GOOD pilots that actually know how to fly! 1 sniper, 1 medic and 5 assault as i will be a sniper/Pilot :). If it works out well I would like to go onto other dayz maps and expand what the clan can do.

If you are interested in the clan please fill the questions bellow in the reply section, hope to speak to some of you reading this soon.



How long have you been playing DayZ:

Your Roll:


Why should I pick you:

Do you have a mic:

Edited by Fraizer0897

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Hey buddy,

We have around 11 active groups on our 2 servers of about 5-8 members in each.

You should come and play on our private hive servers. Not sure if you want to be bandits or not but we could do with some regular and active heroes/survivors (basically, not bandits). If you have any questions, feel free to inbox me on here.

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Thanks you two, but no thanks.

I would rather start my own clan

Edited by Fraizer0897

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Name: Jake

Age: 16

DayZ play time: 5 months

My roll: Assault Team Captain

Skype: GrizzKhalifa

Steam: steadiedaim

MIc?: Yup

Why should you pick me?: Got over 700 DayZ player kills and Im good with basically every weapon except the NV Fal.

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Why not use our tAVINA whitelisted server as your new clan's "home" server? You will be able to recruit mroe people if you have a home server. Our server is already home to a couple of smaller clans too that you can go head to head with, more details abotu the server here;


Also we can give you a free Teamspeak channel for yoru clan on our public TS server if you want. Contact me for more info.

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Name: Aaron

Age: 20

How long have you been playing DayZ: 4 months

Your Roll: Sniper/Marksman

Skype: woe_beme

Why should I pick you: I like playing in a team.

Do you have a mic: yes

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How long have you been playing dayz:2 months

Your role:assault


Why should I pick you: good with almost every weapon and can drive anything but a chopper

Do you have a mic: yes

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How long have you been playing dayz: 5 months

Your role:assault


Why should I pick you: good with any every weapon... im a beast

Do you have a mic: yes

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How long have you been playing dayz: 5 months

Your role:assault


Why should I pick you: good with any every weapon... im a beast

Do you have a mic: yes

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Name: Jeron

Age: 13 (Mature)

How long have you been playing DayZ: About 1 Year

Your Role*: Mid-Ranged Marksman; decent sniper

Skype: epic_jeron_guy

Why should I pick you: I can take any weapon you throw at me and say, "I got this." Sure, I'm not amazing with anything, but I'm decent with anything.

Do you have a mic: Yes

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Name: Kaleb

Age: 23

How long have you been playing DayZ: 5+ months

Your Roll: I can do anything well but I am best with a sniper rifle. Just don't ask me to fly anything.

Skype: Kaleb Goodrich

Why should I pick you: Because you are going to want me on your side during a fire fight.

Do you have a mic: Yes

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How long have you been playing DayZ: About around 7 months

Your Roll: Medic,I am a good team player!

Skype:Brandon Pascall

Why should I pick you:I am a committed Dayz player and would love to help the team out!

Do you have a mic:Yes it sometimes get staticey because of my new computer

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Age: 16

How long have you been playing DayZ: 5-8 months

your rool: ANY what ever you need


why should i pick you:i play alot and i well be online on ur ts3 or skype so im a 24/7 player

do u have a mic: i do a good one 2

Edited by Vtec4life

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Name: Michael

Age: 14

How long have you been playing DayZ: 9 months

Your Role: Pilot (I am very good)

Skype: michael.mastracci1

Why should I pick you: I am a very good pilot and I work well under high stress situations

Do you have a mic: Yes. Logitech G930 :)

Edited by TigerSHockZZZ

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Hey, I'm part of a large DayZ community called DayZHorror which keeps getting bigger every day. We have our own dedicated private server for our clans. we also have the two opposing clans STH & CTH, and then you have the SRT.There is 5-6 more clans in here aswell. As well as fighting each other, we take part in raiding public servers as one from time to time. If you would like to give our community a try, feel free to stop by and say hello.

(Servers restart every 6hours for a smoother gameplay experience)[

]Our website, teamspeak and facebook links are below

]TS3: ts.dayzhorror.com

Edited by joe87

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Name: Bailey

Age: 15

How long have you been playing DayZ:10 months

Your Roll:Pilot or assault.


Why should I pick you:I'm a good helicopter pilot and an alright plane pilot also good at making distractions and spotting players

Do you have a mic: yes

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Name: Cody


How long have you been playing DayZ:only a week

Your Roll:look out for the whole squad and looter


Why should I pick you:i need help also i need a blood bag

Do you have a mic:yes

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Name: Peter Hartmann

Age: 15

How long have you been playing DayZ: Since it came out

Your Roll: Piolet and assault


Why should I pick you: I'm the best piolet in Arma and DayZ, I'm great and fast and slow combat situations, I have a great shot, I am almost always online, I know how to work as a team, I know how to share loot and help others out, and last...I know how to have fun!!!!

Do you have a mic: Yes, and good quality

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Name: Shinkehh

Age: 16

How long have you been playing DayZ: 10 Months

Your Roll: Assult/Cook

Skype: ShinksAu

Why should I pick you: Because I'm experienced, Friendly, Fun, have a sense of humor, Knowledge of basic Military commands and overall good bloke (Pretty dam beast at DayZ, and I record)

Do you have a mic: Yes

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Come to GLG Gaming. We have a teamspeak and our own server and an incredibly active community. All clans and squads are welcome. We accept players of all types. Bandits, Heroes, Survivors, Loners.

We have our own game server and Teamspeak 3 server.

Server IP:

Teamspeak IP: voice.graylinesgaming.com

We love new players and look forward to seeing you on.

If you hop on the teamspeak and have questions look for Cypher. An' don't forget, Chaney sent yah!

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Name: JJ

Age: 12 (Mature)

How long have you been playing DayZ: 8 months

Your Role: Assault

Skype: JDskates15

Why should I pick you: I'm good with most of the weapons and can fly a chopper and can make a swift and silent assault

Do your have a mic:Yes

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